Cambridge Brewing Company | Tripel Threat

Living in Colorado has many benefits, and as we all know, readily accessible microbrews are one of those perks. Because of this, it’s not often that I venture out of Colorado brews, but I’ve made an exception. All the way from Cambridge, Massachusetts is the Tripel Threat from CBC.
The Tripel Threat is a Belgian style tripel that could hold its own compared to any European brews. Fair warning, this beer is heavy duty. Clocking in at 10.0% ABV, the Tripel Threat is, as the name suggests, not a table beer.
The beer pours with a beautiful rich golden color and dense head. The nose gives it away as a classic tripel with a strong yeast presence in the nose with an apricot finish. On the first sip, I was surprised that the beer has a smooth and almost milky mouth feel. It was hot on the palette, but the boozey flavor was rounded out by the fruity apricot at the end.
Aroma: apricot, wheat, molasses
Taste: booze, cider, bitters
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