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Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 82

Welcome to the InterNEAT! Volume 82
Alex Cadice

Happy Tuesday everyone! Thanks for stopping by. I hope this InterNEAT finds you well.

  1. In case you hadn’t decided how you feel about drugs, Captain Lou has some words for you.

  1. I mean, if you did take drugs, you might start seeing things…like the Friends intro…everywhere…

  1. …or the epitome of viral culture today coming together in one video: House of Cards + Too Many Cooks.

  1. But, if we’re being honest, the musical genius and creativity needed to make these mash-ups may have required a little ‘enhancement.’

The Jackson 5 and Bach

Hozier and…Everything

    1. And no drugs can cure March Madness, regardless of sport!


NCAA Tournament



See you in a .gif, Alex

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