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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

Flat 12 bierworks

Cannabidiol and pop-tart beers, more rights for New Jersey brewers, and a craft brew made especially for your dog. Some of these ideas may sound far fetched but they are most definitely true and all included in this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill. Read on to get PorchDrinking’s summary of this week’s craft beer news.

Flat 12 Bierwerks Has a Beer for Your Dog

flat 12 bierworks
Photo Credit: Indy Star

Dogs in Indiana, rejoice! Flat 12 Bierwerks in Indianapolis has created a non-alcoholic, non-carbonated beer for it’s canine companions. The brew will officially launch this Friday at the brewery’s pet adoption and supply drive for Heaven After Hell Rescue Shelter. If you’re wondering what a dog-beer is like, this is how its made: “Brewers create a stock with bones, carrots, potatoes, and brewer’s yeast. The stock simmers for three hours before it is blended with wort, the liquid extracted from the mashing process when brewing actual beer. It all comes together in a keg.” Bowls can be purchased for $1 and all proceeds go to local shelters. Before you and your pup go running into the brewery, let me warn you of just one thing: dog farts. [Read full article]

Craft Brewers Hope for New Legislation in New Jersey

New Jersey Brewers Guild
Photo Credit: New Jersey Brewers Guild

Brewers in New Jersey are currently wondering whether or not it is legal to sell their suds at farmer’s markets or if food trucks can serve outside the brewery. Although the state loosened it’s liquor laws a few years back, there were still some parts that were left unclear. Now, the Garden State Craft Brewers Guild is depending on Senate Minority Leader Tom Kean Jr. to set some clear cut rules with a package of bills he’s bringing to the table. One bill would allow for the sale of craft beer at farmer’s markets, one bill would allow food trucks or other local fare to be sold at breweries, and another bill would allow breweries to sell up to 1,000 barrels of beer to licensed retailers in New Jersey and other states. The guild hopes that the passing of these bills would lead to growth of the breweries as well as brewery-related tourism increases. [Read full article]

Now, There’s a Pop-tart Beer

Last week I told you about HefeWheaties, the beer made with Wheaties cereal. This week I bring you Toaster Pastry, a beer made with pop-tarts. This breakfast inspired beer is being churned out by 21st Amendment Brewery in San Francisco. Before the brewery’s current space was used to make beer, it served as a factory for Kellogg’s where the company produced Pop-tarts and Frosted Flakes – two of my favorite breakfast foods. Now, it only makes sense that 21st Amendment is paying homage to it’s predecessors by creating a beer made with their products. My big question is, what flavor of Pop-tart did they use? I’ve contacted the brewery and will let you know the details of this story as it unfolds. [Read full article]

Dad and Dude’s Breweria to Introduce Cannabidiol-infused Beer at GABF

Dad and Dude's Cannabis Beer
Dad and Dude’s Breweria, based out of Colorado, is about to do the inevitable: create ‘cannabis’ infused beer. I put cannabis in quotation marks because although they are marketing their two new brews as such, they are really only using a portion of the plant to create the beers – cannabidiol. Therefore, Dad and Dude’s is about to excite and then disappoint a bunch of stoners because these beers will not get you high. You may have heard of cannabidiol in the news as it is the chemical in weed that is helping many with seizures. It is also not the chemical that makes everyone hilarious and hungry (that would be THC). Since hops and marijuana tend to have a similar taste and smell, it makes one wonder if these IPAs will be much different than every other IPA. The two beers, Sativa IPA and Indica Double IPA, are set to debut at Great American Beer Festival. [Read full article]

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