Dogfish Head Brewery | Punkin Ale

ABV: 7.0% | IBU: 28
Pumpkin beers: love them or hate them, they seem to be one of the most contested beer styles out there. Even at this year’s GABF no pumpkin beer scored high enough in the judging to take home a gold medal, only silver and bronze were awarded this year*. While I do admit, I am quite the sucker for a pumpkin beer and each year when they start rolling out on store shelves I pick up an assortment to try, one pumpkin beer staple in my fridge each October is Dogfish Head Craft Brewed Ales’ Punkin Ale.
Dogfish Head is one of the first craft breweries that I was turned onto many years ago by some friends, so naturally it was one of the first pumpkin beers I had also had and immediately loved. While Punkin Ale is made with real pumpkins and spices each year, its remains a subtle pumpkin taste but a very bold spice backbone. The smell is kind of earthy from the pumpkin but the spice doesn’t hit you until your first sip, with plenty of cinnamon, nutmeg and even a small touch of clove. But don’t be fooled, while this lovely beer is strongly flavored to mimic pie, it is not overly sweet which is appreciated since so many pumpkin beers are cloyingly sweet. Punkin Ale still does have its beer nature still in tact. Its lovely golden orange color almost reminds you of the pumpkin patch, just staring at this beauty.
The only downside to Punkin Ale is how quickly it sells out each fall. Be sure to stock up early and often if you wish to have it in your fridge throughout the holiday season. Come Thanksgiving, I always seem to wish I had purchased more.
*Just to note, Punkin Ale was not entered in GABF this year.
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