Sponsored Post | Game Day Just got Easier with Favor

This is a sponsored post brought to you by Favor, the on-demand delivery app.
Let’s be honest, it’s a tremendous time to be alive. Anything we could possibly want is available at our finger tips. Need a ride somewhere? There’s a app for that! Need your house cleaned? There’s an app for that. Need local craft beer delivered to your porch drinking session? Use Drizly. Need wings or pizza delivered for your Sunday game watch? Use Favor, the on-demand delivery app!
That’s right folks, our friends at Favor are helping to fuel your game day experience today with half off delivery on wings from Wing Stop and pizza from Pizzeria Locale between 11-9pm today in Denver.
Just download the Favor app, and you can have all of your game day noshing essentials delivered within a matter of minutes. That way you and your friends can really dial in on Peyton’s Omahas, or just how terrible of an analyst Cris Collinsworth really is, or just how smug Bob Costas looks. Because in this day in age we can’t afford to miss a second of Bob Costa’s smugness.
How exactly does Favor work? Choose one of Favor’s featured items or enter the item(s) you would like from any restaurant or store in your delivery area. Favor will deliver pretty much anything aside from alcohol (as we detailed before, Drizly will take care of that). Editing the details of your “favor” is simple and placing your “favor” only takes three taps. After you order your “favor”, it is assigned to one of Favor’s runners, who will deliver your order. Payment is secure and cashless. Once your order picked up by the runner, you pay for them right though the app. All payment information is saved securely so you only need to enter it once.
So today settle into your comfiest couch, crack open a cold one and have Wing Stop and/or Pizzeria Locale show up at your door step by using Favor. Trust us you’ll look like a absolute hero amongst your friends without having to leave the confines of your man/woman cave.
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