Cider Showcase | Cidergeist (Rhinegeist) Bubbles

ABV: 6.2%
Full disclosure – I have never been much of a cider drinker. My friends can all attest that whenever we head out to a bar, I’m sticking to beer. Whether it’s the cloying sweetness of some or the champagne dryness of others, I haven’t quite had the best luck when it comes to craft ciders. So when I was recently offered a can of Bubbles by Rhinegeist, needless to say my past experiences prompted me to accept with some hesitation. Luckily, any and all hesitation was obliterated as soon as I took that first sip. It was amazing.
Bubbles, one of three ciders offered by Cincinnati, Ohio based Rhinegeist, is technically a Rosé Ale made with apple, peach and cranberry. Effervescent and light, this cider is more potable than some of the drier variations I’ve tried and the addition of bitter cranberry helps to cut through the sweetness of the apple and peach that might otherwise be overwhelming, making for a well-balanced flavor profile. At 6.2% ABV, Bubbles carries the punch of a craft beer but does so in a lighter and smoother delivery as a cider, combining for one very enjoyable drinking experience.
Available year-round, Bubbles, and all Rhinegeist offerings, are currently distributed in Ohio, Kentucky, Massachusetts and Pittsburgh and is now being served in Indianapolis. So if you’re on the fence about whether to venture off into the world of ciders, take it from a strict beer drinker – if there’s a cider out there to ease the switch and, even better, get you hooked, it’s Bubbles.
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