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The Weekly Buzz | July 14 – 20

Weekly Buzz

Happy Friday, PorchDrinkers! Another beautiful beer-soaked weekend is upon us, and that means it is time to recap the week’s finest beer-related tweets. You could just go to Twitter and scroll through it yourself, but why subject yourself to all that political vitriol? I braved the trolls so you wouldn’t have to. So sit down on your porch swing and crack open a beer. It’s time to start The Weekly Buzz.

Climb aboard that Nimbus 2000!

What up, my glip glops?!

They’ve earned it!

Do you know the whole story?

This. This is a thing of beauty.

Who’s up for a picnic?

I’ll just meet you guys there.

The Earth thanks you!

Pilsners in Maine. My favorite things are starting to converge!

Wait… There’s a Gluten Free Expo?

I choose the 2-mile walk.

So far, so good!

Happy Anniversary!

How are they going to eat their ice cream?!

The new place is coming along nicely.

Did anyone cosplay as Wesley Crusher?

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