PorchDrinking’s Weekly Atlanta Beer Beat | June 27-July 3, 2018

The Atlanta Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings and more!
Go to the Atlanta Beer Beat Calendar!
Big shout-out to Brick Store Pub on their 21st birthday celebration! Stop by Lake City’s North 2 South Cider Works today for their soft opening. Be sure to check out Peachtree City’s all-new Line Creek Brewing Co., whose official Grand Opening is Saturday, August, 4.
Don’t miss the Weekly Happenings at SweetWater. And, as always, Reformation is chock-full of events this week.
Anniversaries/Grand Openings | Beer Releases
Wednesday, June 27
- Brick Store Pub’s 21st Birthday Party
- BrewDog TV Shoot & Collab Release | Scofflaw
- Lotus Eaters Club Collab Release | Orpheus
- The Brewery Comedy TOUR | Pontoon
- Comedy on Draught | Three Taverns
Thursday, June 28
- Throwback Thursday | Monday Night
- Mexican Empire Vienna Lager Can Release | Arches
- Run Roswell | Gate City
- Geeks Who Drink Trivia | Second Self
- Geeks Who Drink Trivia | Southbound
- Team Trivia Thursdays | Green Line
- Over And Over And Over Again Can Release | Orpheus
Friday, June 29
- Permanent Vacation Dual Release | Red Brick
- Bluegrass By The Pint | Service
- North 2 South Cider Works Soft Opening
- Five Strip Friday ATLiens United LIVE Broadcast | Red Hare
- Ironmonger Can Launch | Stout Brothers
- Beer & Bingo | Arches
- Comedy & Craft Beer | Second Self
- Summer Fling Watermelon Blonde Release | Cherry Street
- ATL Rockin Road Trip Friday Fun
- NOLAN The Wanderer Launch Party | Reformation
Just take me to the calendar already, man!
Saturday, June 30
- The Floor Is Lava Release Day | Pontoon
- Comedy Night | Red Brick
- Saints & Sinners Celebrating The Release of The Revival | Burnt Hickory
- Farm-To-Pint Release Party | Omaha
- Beer + Yoga | Service
- Piedmont + Jailhouse Collab Beer Releases | Jailhouse
- Summer Fling Watermelon Blonde Release | Cherry Street
- Primo Pint + Pie Pairing | Eventide
- Wandering Blues Can Release | Orpheus
Sunday, July 1
- Balance + Brews: Sunday Session | Pontoon
- 0K Sit & Stay | Southern Sky
- Trivia + Beer | Moon River
- Drink & Draw | Battle & Brew
Monday, July 2
- Sunset Yoga | New Realm
- Comedy Bingo Monday | Piedmont Brewery
Tuesday, July 3
- Pig & Gator Roast | The Nest
- Fireworks & BHB Beer | Burnt Hickory
- Weekly Trivia Night | New Realm
- Tipsy Trivia | Orpheus
- Tuesday Trivia | Dry County
Be sure to check out ATL Rockin’ Road Trip, Southern Beer Tours and Beer From Here Brew Tours.
Check out our Atlanta Beer Beat calendar! You can export events to your iCal and/or sort them by your favorite brewery/beer bar, by the day or by the topic with a quick search for keywords.
Whatever you plan to do, make sure you plan appropriate transportation and drink responsibly – use two hands. Don’t drink and drive!
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