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Avery Brewing 25th Anniversary Pour List Captures Avery Old & New

avery brewing 25 anniversary

Allow me to doff my journalist cap for a moment because as important as it is to report on this industry without bias or influence, it’s just as important occasionally to share a few stories and remember that we’re still just writing about beer.

Like all craft beer fanatics, my journey also had to begin somewhere. And while Sierra Nevada, Magic Hat, Kentucky Ale (Alltech Brewing), New Belgium and Odell had the earliest influences on my understanding of flavorful beer, I also widely credit Boulder’s Avery Brewing. Throughout the past six years of covering this industry, we’ve been fortunate enough to have had the opportunity to cover and attend countless numbers of beer festivals, but the very first that I ever attended was Avery’s 16th Anniversary.

Photo by Dustin Hall, The Brewtography Project

It was there is that hallowed alley, that my eyes were opened to the powerful and diverse world of big beers, while also discovering that it is, in fact, possible to be hungover by 7pm. Perhaps the two findings were somewhat related.

Nevertheless, over the years, Avery has grown up in a big way, upgrading to a 5.6-acre state-of-the-art facility, joining forces with Mahou San Miguel, and recently launching a complete re-brand of their packaged products.

Photo by Dustin Hall, The Brewtography Project

However in an age when legacy brands consistently aim to remain relevant by following the latest trends, sometimes a return to one’s roots can be the most exciting and refreshing course of action. Yesterday afternoon Avery Brewing released the initial pour list for their 25th Anniversary Party and by early indications, this list will remain diehard Avery fans of anniversary parties of old.

Sure there is healthy representation from Avery’s newly release portfolio including the recently introduced Go Play IPA, but with 93 beers pouring at the event, a majority of the lineup consists of their gold foil barrel-aged series as well as vintage releases of Avery classics like 2009-20012 Samael’s, 2013-2016 Mephistopheles, and 2009-2012 Beast to name a few.

Photo by Dustin Hall, The Brewtography Project

The Avery Brewing 25th Anniversary Party will take place on Saturday, August 4 from 12-5pm. Tickets are currently available for $40 here. Check out the initial pour list for the Anniversary Party below:


Vanilla Bean Stout
Raspberry Sour
Raspberry Truffale
Forbidden Fruit
Black Eye
Certatio Equestris
Double D’s
Fiel al Estilo
Insula Multos Collibus
Lunctis Viribus
Nox Reposado
Obscuro & Nimbosus
Old Perseverance
Recolte Sauvage
Rufus Corvus
Scarlata Cucumis
Nuttiest Professor
Pumpkin 2015
Rumpkin 2015
Rumpkin 2017
Tweak 2016
Tweak 2017
Uncle Jacobs 2015
Uncle Jacobs 2018
25th Anniversary
Beast (2012)
Beast (2011)
Beast (2010)
Beast (2009)
Samael’s (2012)
Samael’s (2011)
Samael’s (2010)
Samael’s (2009)
Mephistopheles (2016)
Mephistopheles (2015)
Mephistopheles (2014)
Mephistopheles (2013)
Reverend (2012)
Kaiser (2011)
Kaiser (2010)
Collaboration Not Litigation (2015)
Collaboration Not Litigation (2014)
White Rascal
El Gose
Liliko'i Kepolo
Ellie's Brown Ale
Avery IPA
Go Play IPA
Real Peel IPA
Avery Lager
Eremita II
Eremita III
Eremita VII
Eremita IX
Eremita X
Double Dry-Hopped IPA
Triple Dry-Hopped Chowdah
Double Dry-Hopped Maharaja
Go Play
Avery IPA
Hazyish IPA
Hog Heaven IPA
Spanish Connection
Preesh Lightning IPA
Brut IPA
Beersheba and/or Conditioned Benedictus
Body Shot
Grapefruit Shandy
Salted/Watermelon Shandy
Stoutwork Orange
Cloud 9
Rocky Mountain Olsons
Finer Things
Bourbon Barrel-Aged Reverend
White Wine/Beer Hybrid
Tea Infused Sour
Bug Zapper



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