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Awesomesauce- TeeFury

Awesomesauce- TeeFury
Laura Mego

While t-shirt websites like Threadless or Society6  are awesome for their incredible designs, fantastic selection, and amazing tees (seriously, they’re really soft) I find them lacking in a few key areas.

  1. Their tee selections just aren’t nerdy enough.
  2. I have to wait for a good sale to buy a tee- I can’t bring myself to spend almost 50 bucks on a hoodie or twenty bucks for a tee (OK, unless it’s an Homage tee…Homage tees are my Kryptonite.)

Enter TeeFury, stage right.

TeeFury is one of a group of websites that are popping up in response to complaint number two- let’s call them the tee-a-day websites.  The basic premise is this: one t-shirt design, sold for a limited time, at a cheaper price point.  The sites request design submissions from viewers like you, pick their favorite, and offer it a discounted price for a limited amount of time (generally from 1-3 days, though some sites run a design for a full week.)  Once that period of time is over, they print all of the ordered tees and ship them out to the customers. About two weeks after you see a design online, the tee is yours at a much cheaper price point.

Here’s where TeeFury is head and shoulders above its competition:  a fantastic price point ($11) and a great tee.  While they’re no American Apparel, they’re close when it comes to tee comfort and quality- no itchy tags or rough cotton here.  Also, they seem to choose super-nerdy designs, so I tend to favor them for that alone…

If you want some great examples of other tee-a-day websites, check out Day of the Shirt.  They curate a list of all the limited run shirt sites around the interwebs in one convenient place.  Watch your wallets, kids.

p.s.- I might own the shirt featured above…don’t judge

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