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Jolly Pumpkin Baudelaire IO Saison

Jolly Pumpkin Baudelaire IO Saison
Kristin Hubbard

ABV – 6.8%

Rarely getting Sundays off, I took full advantage of the day and decided to pair it with only the finest ingredients – stellar weather, tasty beers, the best of friends and a front porch. We took full advantage of what the day by listening to records, showcasing some dance moves and went for a killer walk in the park. In the madness we returned from our adventure to a treat that was enjoyed in the finest of company, the IO Saison by Jolly Pumpkin.

This saison compliments its luscious soft spicing with rose hips, hibiscus and rose petals. On the nose there is a pleasantly addictive aroma of apple, rose and a grassy belgian yeast. The mouthfeel was somewhat light and velvety paired with a supple use of brettanomyces that finished dry. The complexity of the beer was showcased wonderfully with a perfect use of spice, yeast character and a unique mouthfeel that epitomized the way I wanted to celebrate such a great day off with the closest of close.


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