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Ultimate 6er | In Honor of Our Presidents

mt rushmore presidents
Jason Behler

President’s Day is a National Holiday because it is important to remember from whence we came. (Even though we went to school as a makeup snow day, but I am not bitter, no no, I am not bitter.) The link between leader and his lager goes back to the founding of this country, as Presidents needed their beer to deal with the pressures of office. Washington and Jefferson were home brewers (at least according to the tours of their estates). Madison encouraged citizens in all states to produce their own brew and even floated the idea of a National Brewery. More recently, President Obama made headlines brewing brewing a batch of White House Honey Ale. This Ultimate 6er is for our Heads of State.

The Corruption | DC Brau

DC Brau The CorruptionThis one is for our scandal-laden Presidents from Washington’s treasonous Jay Treaty to Big Willie’s stain from Grant’s Whiskey Ring to Tricky Dick’s cleaning crew, corruption proceeds politics in every step of this country’s history. Luckily, DC Brau celebrated the indiscretions of our nation’s leaders with a tasty IPA that represents the city that brews it: bold, slightly bitter, and if you aren’t careful it will sneak up on you (at 6.5% ABV).

Rough Rider Red Lager | Hyde Park Brewing

Hyde Park Rough RiderIn honor of the man who ran with the idea of Manifest Destiny to our borders and beyond. As a Rough Rider, he annexed Puerto Rico and Hawaii, expanding our naval reach and solidifying the United States’ position as a world power in the 20th century. Hyde Park is where both Roosevelts were born, and what better tribute to a manly man than a beer in his honor.

Bleeding Buckeye | Elevator Brewing

Elevator Bleeding BuckeyeIn honor of Warren G. Harding who (during prohibition) purged the White House of all alcohol despite being from a state when breweries were a major source of pre-prohibition income. Harding was born just outside of Columbus, so it is only right that we choose a brew that sprung despite the fruits of Harding’s labor. Bleeding Buckeye red ale is an ode to the die hard Ohio State fan, but I like to think of it as Harding’s pain in realizing that they are once again producing the devil’s elixir right outside his home town.

Presidente | Cervecería Nacional Dominicana

PresidenteHad this one on our honeymoon in Punta Cana. In fact, I believe it is the “national” beer of the Domican Republic, named after President Trujillo. This is a great pilsner to drink on a hot beach, especially in a country where you can barely get drinkable water, and finding other options can be quite tedious. And (according to Wikipedia) it is the cure for getting embarrassed by the Boston Red Sox 15-5, as Ozzie Guillen said, “Seven Presidentes and a sleeping pill and be ready for the job tomorrow.”

Ruthless Rye | Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada Ruthless RyeIf you watch House of Cards (and, like me, believe it to be fairly accurate) then you know that politics is a grown ups game. Specifically, it is a game for cunning, cruel, ruthless grownups that have socialpathic tendencies. This is a great rye beer to celebrate the cut-throat nature of politics. And the prize for most ruthless goes to Andrew Jackson who allowed cruelty towards his slaves, exterminated Native Americans, and shot a man for insulting him. His ruthlessness earned him spot on the $20 bill.

Three Philosophers | Ommegang Brewery

Ommegang Three PhilosophersYou can’t be President without a vision for the country. (Well, you can, but you won’t be a very good one.) Men like Jefferson, Lincoln, Kennedy, and Clinton read philosophy, quoted philosophy and (for the most part) embraced larger philosohpical ideas. This one goes out to those men who thought about problems and solutions from both a philosophical and pragmatic standpoint. This Belgian-style quad sparks philosophical conversation that will solve all of the world’s problems.
God bless America and the beer that sustains us.

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