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Prairie Artisan Ales- Eliza5beth

Prairie Artisan Ales- Eliza5beth
Andy Hagemann

This was my first foray into the world of beers from Prairie Artisan Ales out of Krebs, Oklahoma, and I have heard nothing but excellent opinions of their creations. So when I was able to snag a bottle of their Eliza5beth Farmhouse Ale when I was back in Colorado, I was both excited and curious. It’s not that I am new to farmhouse ales by any stretch of the imagination; I have just found it extremely hard to find their beers. My only regret was that I didn’t buy more…

Eliza5beth from Prairie Artisan Ales lives up to the quirkiness of its label (and name). A distinct funky/sour/horse blanket aroma arises as it pours into my tulip glass with considerable effervescence. It is a slightly hazy, light golden beer with a quickly dissipating head. The first sip transports me to summer with notes of peaches, mango, and apricots incorporated into a tart, semi-sweet brettanomyces beer. On the back end of the sip is the tiniest hint of citrus hop flavor to round out the beer. This is one of the fruitier farmhouse ales I have had recently and definitely has me counting down the days until Daylight Savings Time. It seems like all the fuss about Prairie Artisan Ales is warranted, and I can’t wait to try some more!


  1. Dave

    This was an AMAZING beer. My first Prairie Artisan as well. But definitely not my last.

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