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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup
Kristen Grace

Is it spring yet? The seasonals are changing and temperatures seem to be on the rise. That means festivals, celebrations, and don’t forget that St. Patrick’s day is this month! Everybody start getting excited.


Founders Brewing releases beer locator app

Are you a die hard Founders fan? Find and read about all your favorites, and discover a few new brews with their recently released smartphone app, available for both iPhone and Android.


Beer As A Post-Workout Recovery Drink? Not As Crazy As It Sounds

This might be one of those crazy ideas that is good in theory, but poor in execution. Maybe grab a Gatorade for recovery, and drink a real beer later on at the bar.


Why states should stop limiting the alcohol content in your beer

State-by-state limitations are stifling creativity and innovation, and keeping us from more awesome beers!


Interactive Chart Finds Your New Favorite Beer For You

Feel like trying a new beer but not sure where to start? This colorful and interactive chart will make all of your beer-discovery dreams come true.


Drone beer delivery hopes rise – then crash

Forget hover cars and teleportation! Drone beer delivery will be the greatest innovation of the modern age…if they can get it off the ground.

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