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Roundtable Discussion | Dark Beers to Drink All Year

Roundtable Discussion | Dark Beers to Drink All Year
Amber Dunlap

As spring seems to have finally begun to sprung, many much-loved dark beers are becoming harder to come by in favor of the more seasonal ales. But sometimes, one may be fortunate enough to stumble across a holdover from winter. In this week’s Roundtable Discussion, we asked our PorchDrinking staff about some of their favorite dark beers to drink all year round.

Colin Clancy

Keweenaw Brewing Company, Widow Maker Black Ale and Blackrocks Brewery, Coconut Brown

Kevin Risner

Great Lakes Brewing Company’s Barrel-Aged Blackout Stout!

Kyle Buchanan

Thinking about my darker side, I would have to say Negra Modelo, 3 Beans by Sixpoints (please come back again), Great Lakes Nosferatu, and Cane & Ebel by Two Brothers are some of my favorites. They are good regardless of the time, place, or season.

Christopher Hilliard

Duck Rabbit Milk Stout

Justin Vicroy

Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro, Humboldt Brewing Hemp Ale, Surly Coffee Bender, North Coast Old Rasputin, Evil Twin Imperial Biscotti Break, Maui Coconut Porter, & Great Divide Yeti (any version)

Chris Day

Cadillac Mountain Stout!

Matthew Lunger

I have to go with Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout. That stuff is amazing. Now if they would only bottle it, I would go with the Hogshead Barge’s Mild. Extremely drinkable and huge flavor.

Rebecca Gassman

Left Hand Nitro Milk Stout and The Samuel Smiths Organic Chocolate Stout. Lugene Milk Stout by Odell

Tristan Chan

Shotgun Wedding from Country Boy Brewing in Lexington, KY, it’s technically a bigger maltier brown ale but it’s perfect for drinking year round.

Also Perennial’s Abraxas and Southern Tier’s Creme Brulee are both that I can drink throughout the year.

Brady Akers

Lugene Chocolate Milk Stout from Odell is an incredible stout that tastes pretty much exactly like a milk shake. Freshcraft has an option to make any beer an ice cream float and I think Lugene would be amazing a la mode.

Jason Behler

North Coast Old Rasputin and Flying Dog Gonzo Imperial Porter rock my world year round.

Spencer Mapes

Founders Breakfast Stout any day, any time.

Andrew Sharp

Great Lakes Christmas Ale – with adequate hoarding, Christmas in July is one of the greatest days of the year!

Cory Pelc

I’m with Justin when it comes to Great Divide Yeti, any variation is great year round. However, I really enjoy Avery’s ‘The Reverend’ Quadruple when I am grilling during the summer months. It’s sweet malt backbone and full body pairs really well with the searing of meat. Something about the maillard reaction just gets me every time!

Lillian Chatham

North Coast Old Rasputin and Left Hand Milk Stout Nitro for sure! I love Black IPAs year-round as well but do not have one to name.

Justin Vicroy

Oh man, I completely forgot about Black IPAs as it would TOTALLY pertain to this! Thanks, Lillian!!! Odell Mountain Standard (If I hoarded enough), Green Flash Hopworks Black IPA, Santa Fe Black IPA, & Firestone Walker Wookey Jack!!!!

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