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Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup

Become a Beer Expert

I’ve scoured the internet far and wide (with the help from some other Porch Drinkers) to bring you this week’s beer news. We’ve got updates on laws – some good, some bad – a list of some fun beer names, tips on brewing, and a great SNL skit of Rick Perry. How could it get any better?

25 of the Most Amazing Craft Beer Names – According to Buzzfeed

I’m sure all you PorchDrinkers can think of even more amazing names. Leave your favorite ones in the comments. My entry is ‘Cat Piss’ by Evil Twin Brewing.

Evil Twin Cat Piss
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5 Tips for Better IPAs from Vinnie Cilurzo

Vinnie Cilurzo
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Who better to learn from than one of the best? Vinnie is the owner/brewmaster of Russian River Brewing Company – the brewery that makes the most famous IPA ever: Pliny the Elder. These tips have come just in the nick of time for me, as I am thinking of doing my first homebrew! Did somebody say hops on hops on hops?

Craft Beer Laws Pass in Texas

So apparently Texas has been way behind the times but now, people can start making breweries their local watering holes instead of regular old bars. Governor Rick Perry (who I just love laughing at because I’ve been watching too many SNL re-runs) signed craft beer bills into law this week that will allow breweries to sell beer for on-premise consumption. Before this, people had to travel to bars in the area to taste the sweet creations of breweries like Saint Archer Brewing Company and Buffalo Bayou Brewing. Now, they can go straight to the source. Congratulations Texas!

Judge Rejects Challenge to Indiana Cold Beer Law

There may have been good beer news for Texans this week but not for the citizens of Indiana. Beer lovers in this fine state will have to continue to make two trips when shopping for groceries and booze at the same time. As for now, only liquor stores and breweries (not grocery stores) can sell cold beer to go.

Beer to go
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Become a Craft Beer Expert in 9 Easy Steps

Become a Beer Expert
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While I don’t think I’ll be getting a ‘hop head’ tattoo anytime soon or converting my whole wardrobe to brewery t-shirts, this article does provide some good advice on how to up your beer knowledge.

The Business of Liquor Laws

In this article, ‘Rum Deal’ Jim Saska talks about the ridiculousness of liquor license quotas and other crazy laws in various states across the country. It’s quite an interesting read and it explains who really benefits from limiting liquor licensing.

Rum Deal
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 Lagunitas Considering Expanding to a Third Brewery

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Although the the brewing company just opened their Chicago location, Lagunitas founder, Tony Magee, is already thinking of building a third brewery within the next three years. He says he can’t just add new fermenting tanks to keep up with production, but rather will have to keep adding more brewhouses. It sounds like things are going great for Lagunitas – cheers!

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