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Peddler Brewing Company | On Your Left IPA

Peddler Brewing Company's On Your Left IPA
Katelyn Pelak

6.8% ABV
77 IBU

Biking culture, for the uninitiated, can be a very daunting subject to master. From practical information such as how to fix a flat, to the huge array of options for bikes, tires, saddles, and shoes, there’s a seemingly limitless amount of knowledge that one needs to acquire before purchasing a bike, let alone joining a group ride or a biking brewery tour. Fortunately, despite the many rules that simultaneously shadow and support the popularity of the sport, Peddler Brewing Company has figured out how to create a space that caters to cycling novices and connoisseurs alike. I stopped by the Ballard brewery to check out their new beer garden and have a glass of their flagship On Your Left IPA.

On Your Left IPA pours bright amber with a milk-colored head that leaves thin lacing on the glass. Hints of caramel malt enter the nose and are accompanied by green and grassy hops aromas. Flavors of pine, citrus, and floral hops are strong but the overall taste is balanced and not too bitter. The pleasant hoppiness combined with the medium-light body and good carbonation makes for an easy, sessionable IPA. The finish is bitter but smooth, rounding out the hops with a fresh and flowery ending.

Overall, this beer was the perfect companion to an evening of sitting in the sun in the beer garden, surrounded by bikes and beer fans. So cheers, Peddler, for creating a beer that can be shared by all cyclists. And happy peddling!

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