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Southampton Publick House | Double White

Southampton Publick House | Double White

Spending the weekend out on Long Island, I was looking for a local brew and found this fruity lil guy. The thing about wit beers in my opinion, is that well, they’re always just sort of . . . predictable. That said, the Southampton Publick House Double White covers all its bases and is in fact, delightful. When most of your crew is tucking in with a glass of red, or a bottle (no judgment), this beer will still fit in. You get a cool, crispy drink tinged with citrus, while still staying medium-fancy.

As the label indicates it is brewed with “coriander, lemon, and orange peel” which comes together nicely in a punch of flavor that lands softly and finishes with a tingle on your tongue. The brewery’s website says the “double” is in reference to the beer’s “double strength” or “double gravity” but I’m going to take some liberties and say it is doubly effervescent; fizzy and enthusiastic.

How to drink this beer:

After taking this beer out of the fridge it will probably be ice cold. But don’t drink it immediately. Be patient. Let it sit out for about 5 minutes. Use that time to enjoy the esters, and perhaps just catch your breath and soak up some rays. Then it will be just about perfect. You should probably be listening to the oldies channel on sunny porch to get the full experience.

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