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Beer Cocktail | Baby Stout Jello Shots with Yard’s Love Stout

Beer Cocktail | Baby Stout Jello Shots with Yard’s Love Stout

Just because St. Patrick’s Day is over that doesn’t mean the Irish festivities need to stop! We certainly won’t and neither should you. For many, Guinness comes to mind as the beer of choice for St. Paddy’s Day, but with so many options at our fingertips, it’s hard not to branch out. In accordance with tradition, however, it seemed only logical to attempt to take an already alcoholic beverage and make it even boozier.

Baby Stout Jello Shots are as darn cute as they sound! However, no Guinness was harmed in the making of this beer blasphemy. Instead, I wanted to use a stout that was comparable in smoothness and taste. My choice met both criteria.

Photo Credit: Yard’s Brewing Company

Yard’s Love Stout

ABV: 5.5%

With notes of coffee and a smooth, chocolatey accent, this stout has a delicious roasted malty flavor. It is slightly sweet, with a creamy mouthfeel comparable to a Guinness, but with a bit more of a bite. Pairing this stout shot with Bailey’s seemed only appropriate for post St. Paddy’s Day drinking.


Stout Jello Shot

  • 1/2-3/4 cup of Yards Love Stout (add a bit more stout and less water for more flavor)
  • 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin
  • 1/4 cup of coffee liqueur (I used Kamora)
  • 1/4 cup of vanilla vodka (if you do not have vodka, just do a 1/2 cup of coffee liqueur)
  • 1 cup of hot water

Stout Jello Shot Bailey’s Topping

  • 1/2 cup of Bailey’s Irish Cream
  • 1 envelope unflavored gelatin
  • 1/2 cup of hot water


  1. Pour the stout, coffee liqueur, and vanilla vodka into a bowl and sprinkle the gelatin packets over the mixture while stirring. After the gelatin begins to dissolve, immediately pour the hot water in and stir until gelatin has completely dissolved.
  2. Evenly divide the stout mixture into shot glass cups and refrigerate for 15-20 minutes
  3. Once the stout portion has chilled, pour the Bailey’s in a medium bowl and begin stirring in the gelatin.
  4. Pour the hot water over the mixture and stir thoroughly.
  5. Pour the Bailey’s jello over the stout jello and refrigerate for up to 3 hours or until completely set.

*Serves 15


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