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What We’re Drinking | November 2, 2018
We have a fresh month ahead of us, and to me the correct way to start a month is having some fresh beer to match. I don’t know about you, but I’m ready to turn over a new leaf this fall by forgetting the candy coma I endured earlier this week… that was rough. Is a candy coma a medical condition? If so, I had it and I didn’t even trick or treat. Chuck that leftover candy (if you even have any) and pour a fresh beer instead. We have some great options from the PorchDrinkers this week, so scroll down to see What We’re Drinking.
Fresh Coast | Ore Dock Brewing
Triple Haze | Novo Brazil
Fresh Hop | St. Elmo BrewingÂ
Schticky Session Ale | Friendly-FermenterÂ
Kolsch | Oswego BrewingÂ
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