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PorchDrinking Staff’s 2019 New Beer Resolutions

New Beers Resolutions New Years Resolutions

As we say goodbye to 2018 and hello to 2019, it is time for several members of the staff to make their New Beer Resolutions. In doing so, we hope our resolutions inspire you to create your own beer-drinking goals for 2019. But, more importantly, we thank you for all your support and wish you the very best in the coming year.

Without further ado, here is the PorchDrinking New Beer Resolutions.

In 2019, We Want to Get Involved

Pam Catoe: Stay involved with Pink Boot Society and revive the Ladies Craft Beer Community events to promote women in beer!

Kurt Bevilacqua: Get Involved: Find more opportunities to volunteer within the craft beer community

We Want To Drink More Classics

Matt Powers: Spend less time on special releases, more on year-rounds/seasonals; get to know a brewery by what it sells most.

Matt Powers:  Don’t merely enjoy Pilsners and Kolsch-styles as refreshing breaks, but explore its nuances and talk to brewers about them.

Kurt Bevilacqua: Explore German Styles More: Belgian beer is what originally got me started on the craft beer journey, but…

 “…it’s time to explore and learn more about the history and styles of German beer.”

Tristan Chan: Revisit more classic beers and styles that I haven’t enjoyed in a while.

Seth Garland: I would like to try to get into some traditional styles that I’ve overlooked through the years (dark lagers, Belgians, pilsner, etc.)

The Bushwick Pilsner (Photo Courtesy of Braven Brewery)
The Bushwick Pilsner (Photo Courtesy of Braven Brewery)

What other beers can we drink?

Tristan Chan: Try more international beers.

Justin Pennel: “Get out of my comfort zone stylistically. Get to know some of the lesser known styles a bit better.”

Justin Carter: More barleywine

It’s Time to Forget Trends, Names and Popularity.

Matt Powers: Balance my time talking to small breweries as well as well-known craft juggernauts.

Tristan Chan: To not become so immediately averse to trendy styles.

Seth Garland: I’m going retro and I’m going underground. No mainstream/big festivals, and no more juice/lactose/fruit in my damn beer.

(Read: Why I’m Giving up Hazy IPAs in 2019 – Mike Zoller)

We Need To Be Prepared

Katie Coakley: Do more research before I hit a new (to me) brewery so I don’t sound like a jerk when I say “You’ve been here HOW long?” just because I missed it for the first two years.

We Need To Be Considerate

Scott Johnson: Don’t ask for flight of beers when the lone bartender is slammed with orders

We Need To Be Knowledgeable 

Karen Mills: Learn more about the brewing process! (And make use of the home brew kit that I haven’t yet opened up)

Katie Coakley: “Learn more about what makes beer “off” so I can be really specific as to why I don’t like something instead of just scrunching up my face when there’s DMS in my lager.”

Sylvia Hollands: In 2019 I would like to learn more about the brewing process. I plan to study the BA Style Guide more in depth to become a better writer. I also want to explore more beer styles with an open mind. I can‘t be the Hop Queen forever.

Style Profile (Graphic by Josh Ritenour)
Style Profile (Graphic by Josh Ritenour)

We Plan On Visiting More Breweries This Year

Matt Powers:: Less fests; more time on my butt in breweries/bars (Only a beer writer can vow to spend MORE time at bars and have that be an acceptable goal)

Stephanie Grant: I’m really bad about visiting local breweries, so this year I’m hitting up as many as I can in the Atlanta area.

Robert French: “Continue my yearly goal of drinking at 100+ different breweries in the year.”

Seth Garland: Visit way more breweries (I slacked really hard this year).

Justin Pennel: Go to at least 25 new breweries

Karen Mills: Visit at least 25 NEW breweries and keep better track of what I’m trying.

Or, We Can Just Brew Our Own Beer

Ana Plefka:: Brew one beer every other month. Make creative decisions that stray from the recipe.

Then Again, We Can Do Both

Anna Dacosta: Go to more breweries and brew more beer

We Need To Drink at Home, And Drink With Friends

Karl Kalinkewicz: Actually drink some verticals of beers I’ve been cellaring

Robert French: Drink through my old barrel aged beers

Kurt Bevilacqua: Organize Bottle Shares: Instead of always meeting up with friends at the bar for a few beers, we can get together and share some of our favorite brews with each other.

PorchDrinking Bottle Share

We Want To Cook More

Kurt Bevilacqua: Cook with Beer: Why just drink beer when I can eat it too?

We Have a Few Shopping Resolutions

Aimee Jackson: After Baby Jackson arrives in May 2019, I will explore our local craft beer stores at least once a month in order to make a mixed 6-pack of new beers to try with my husband.

Ana Plefka Stop spending 30 minutes browsing at my local bottle shop only to pluck a blonde or saison off the shelf. Explore the sours and earthy, hoppy styles I’ve routinely avoided.

Scott Johnson: Enjoy the comfort of buying a 6-Pack rather than dash immediately for singles.

We Want To Keep Better Track Of What We Drink

Hannah Carlson: Keep better track of what I’m drinking! I look back and forget all of the amazing brews that I’ve tried throughout the year. Take better notes, keep a journal, even use Untappd.

Zach Benard: Start a beer journal of the beers I like and the breweries I’ve been to. Keeping track will help me learn what I like and open me up to new styles.

We Will Explore

Hannah Carlson: Venture out. I have my favorite breweries in Seattle, and that familiarity sometimes equates to me not trying new establishments in the way that I used to. Get outside my comfort zone!

Katie Kalk:  need to get out of my neighborhood and be more open to driving a distance to Breweries. Texas Hill Country has so much to offer and I want to be a part of it!

Some of Us Will Make It a Family Outing

Aimee Jackson Visit 15 breweries in Michigan that I haven’t been to (which may require a beer-cation or two since I have been to almost all of them within an hour radius of home).

This will also be our first year of exploring breweries with a baby in tow (Baby Jackson is scheduled to arrive in May 2019!), which will add a new level of adventure to our fun.

We Will Travel Far 

Pam Catoe: Visit a new US city and try as many breweries as possible along the way.

Karen Mills: Take time to travel to at least two states with local breweries I haven’t visited before

Matt Powers: Take at least two beer-cations

In Fact, We Will Travel Really Far

Robert French Drink beer in Europe for the first time in my life

And We May Never Come Home

Karl Kalinkewicz: “Visit breweries in 10 different countries.”

summer road trip playlist

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