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What We’re Drinking | February 22, 2019

What We're Drinking

This week kicked off with a long weekend for most of us, and I spent mine exploring Napa Valley for the first time. This of course included a trip to Russian River Brewing Company in time for the last Pliny the Younger release. However you spent your holiday, another weekend is upon us, so grab a cold craft beer and enjoy your time off. Here are a few ideas from your PorchDrinking family in this week’s What We’re Drinking.

Pliny the Younger | Russian River Brewing Company

Wheezin the Juice IPA | Grand Armory Brewing

Yellow | Modern Times Beer & Hawkshead Brewery

Strawberry Milkshake IPA | Hopworks Urban Brewery

Red Bearded Father | Pileated Brewing Company

Sitrous | Pueblo Vida Brewing Company

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