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Beercade: Beer Dispensing Arcade Game

beercade big boss brewing

Yeah you read that right… it’s a beer dispensing arcade game.  Just when you thought the only people who played video games were World of Warcraft addicts who drank Bawls Sodas and wore adult diapers, McKinney ad agency created something that having you dusting off your joystick and adding gigs to your hard drive.

McKinney ad agency created the flash-based game “The Last Barfighter” for Big Boss Brewing Company in Raleigh, NC. Users duke it out digitally and the winner is treated to a sample of one of Big Boss Beer’s five flagship beers Hell’s Belle, Bad Penny, Angry Angel, Blanco Diablo and High Roller.  The video basically says it all.  Who wants to make one for PorchDrinking?  We’ll supply the homebrews!


  1. Chase

    Saw something very similar to this on Shark Tank a while back called the Arkeg. Cuban and his cronies laughed them off the stage. Is this by the same owners?

  2. Jason B


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