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New Glarus | Hopster

New Glarus | Hopster
Mike Wronski

This picture will no doubt look a little off to some. A New Glarus beer in front of the Chicago skyline just seems misplaced, like a John Deer tractor driving down Michigan Ave. But there is a huge amount of respect for New Glarus here, and people will travel out of their way to grab a bottle (thanks for your convenient location and large New Glarus selection, Mars Cheese Castle!). And while there is some animosity between the two states (Packers vs. Bears; Wisconsin State Troopers vs. Wisconsin Dells-Bound Illinoisans; ‘Sconnies vs. FIPs), we are undoubtedly linked by common loves: beer and sausage.

New Glarus beers are distributed solely within the Wisconsin borders, though that hasn’t stopped some establishments from trying to sell their beer outside of Wisconsin. Dan Carey brews some of the most sought after beers in the country, especially their sours. Which is why any Chicago beer lover will be quick with a 20 spot for any friends or coworkers heading to Wisconsin to ensure they bring back a 6er of their latest seasonal.

And that is exactly how I ended up with their Spring seasonal beer, Hopster. This beer is a mix between an American Pale Ale and a traditional Bavarian Hefeweiss, and fits perfectly with gradually warming temperatures of Spring. The beer pours a crystal clear, straw gold that tops off with a creamy, snow white head. The nose presents the banana, clove and ester notes associated with a hefeweiss, but then has an added orange citrus note from the Amarillo hops. The flavor continues with the banana, but also has a pleasant cereal/breadiness to the profile, rounded out by a medium hop bitterness.

This beer would go well paired with a garlicky bratwurst fresh off the grill, and a friend from Wisconsin to make fun of Aaron Rodgers’ Discount Double Check commercials in front of. Just be prepared for them to make fun of Jay Cutler’s… well, anything having to do with Jay Cutler. Or maybe, just put those aside for a second, and appreciate the mutual love for beer and sausage.


  1. Becky J.

    Nice article! I have Hopster in the beer fridge and had one tonight with my Wisconsin charcuterie/cheese plate.

    For the record, there are other places near the border that are better to buy Wisconsin beer than Mars. I’d suggest Woodman’s at I-94 and Hwy 50. No need to go in the giant grocery store…the giant liquor store has its own entrance.

    Oh, and also, it’s FIB (b*st*rd), not FIP. Always said out of love, of course. 😉 Born and raised here, and have never heard FIP.

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