Uinta Brewing Company | Red IPL

6.2% ABV | 57 IBU
This time last year we found ourselves in the middle of summer and a social media frenzy. The buzz was everywhere with the ‘brrr’ of buckets being gleefully poured over anxious participants. Being nominated to take the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge ourselves, we experienced the excitement firsthand. It’s great to have fun while spreading awareness about a serious condition (and not to mention raising some serious cash to benefit research to find a cure).
ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis – aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease) is a neurodegenerative disease affecting nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. The name comes from Greek language, which essentially translates to ‘no muscle nourishment.’ Patients with ALS may lose control of muscle actions making speech, eating, movement and even breathing nearly impossible. Although the Ice Bucket Challenge may have opened many people’s eyes to the cause, there have been many other riveting documentaries on the subject.
Years before the Ice Bucket Challenge, a different movement was brewing. This too was cold and best served with a bucket of ice. Gathering the collective resources of now over 80 breweries, the Ales for ALS Foundation was established. Breweries from around the country each created a special beer with portions of the proceeds going to ALS – proof the craft beer community is a caring demographic.

One of these breweries is Uinta Brewing Company out of Salt Lake City, Utah. Uinta’s entry this year, in fact, is not an ale at all, rather a Red India Pale Lager. Bottled beautifully in their huge 750 ml Crooked Line bottle, this beer is corked and caged, ready to make an immediate impact. It pours dark amber with an instant clean, white head that manages to hold the sides of the glass for only a short time. The nose on this RIPL is very much like a fresh IPA with hops proclaiming, ‘come a little closer.’ This is where bitter meets the road as the lager process cleans the drink right up, offering a super balanced, smooth finish. Grab one! It’s for a good cause.
Now, we officially nominate all PorchDrinking.com readers to enjoy a beer. You have 24 hours or you must donate to ALESforALS.com.
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