Stone Brewing Co. | 19th Anniversary Thunderstruck IPA

ABV: 8.70% | IBUs: 95
I thought to myself “the only way to drink this beer, is blasting AC/DC’s ‘Thunderstruck’ while drinking from a glass with the god of thunder, THOR!” After a long night working at the hospital, this beer was what I needed.
Thunderstruck is a Double IPA that definitely brings the thunder. As soon as you open it you can smell the hops and citrus earthly aroma. It’s a bitter dry Double IPA that I absolutely love! This beer pours a beautiful golden color with a white head and features Austrailian hops and malt – Galaxy, Topaz, Ella and Vic Secret hops and Australian Fairview malts. Stone took a fond liking to Ella and Vic Secret. On Stone Brewing’s website Brewmaster, Mitch Steele, says “Vic Secret to me is kind of citrusy, stone fruit and it’s got some lemon kind of characteristics as well. And the Ella is just intense pungent stone fruit.” When it hit my lips, I immediately tasted the citrus and stone fruit. The use of Australian hops and malt definitely gives it a different taste (of course in a good way). This is a resinous, earthy and well balanced beer that will leave you all hoppy inside.
A few years ago, I was so excited when I read that Stone Brewing was looking for a new location on the East Coast. I was rooting for them to build their brewery in Bethlehem, PA for two reasons:
1) Stone Brewing Co. would be in PA.
2) Bethlehem, PA is 20 minutes from my hometown, Allentown, PA.
But they decided to build in Richmond, VA. I was pretty bummed, but Virginia is fairly close to visit. I’ll definitely make the drive to drink all their IPAs on tap. I am truly an IPA guy and I have enjoyed every IPA and DIPA that I have drank from Stone Brewing Co. Thunderstruck is a great DIPA that IPA lovers will enjoy and leave you screaming “THUNDER!”
“You’ve been Thunderstruck!” – AC/DC
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