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PorchDrinking’s Weekly Denver Beer Beat | November 23, 2016

Denver Beer Beat Thanksgiving
Jeremiah Cornelius

The Denver Beer Beat sheds light on news of brewery openings, special tappings, firkins and one-off batches, bottle releases, dinners, pairings, etc.

It’s almost that time of the year when you get to gather around friends and family willingly or unwillingly to stuff your face with a weeks worth of food. If you are need of a beer or three to help ease the pain or to enjoy with friends and family be sure to check out our list of beers to pair with your Thanksgiving meal.

(More: 6 Beers to Pair with Your Thanksgiving Meal)

It’s also that time of the year when hordes of people will make the pilgrimage out to shop on Black Friday. Instead of fighting through thousands of people to get that 4k TV or Bourbon County beer that you gotta have, shop online, opt for an adventure outside, or even better check out one of the many Black Friday beer events going on around the Denver metro area. My good friend Cory has put together a sick list of all the happenings around Denver as well as be sure to check out the calendar of other events going on this week including the grand opening of Green Mountain Beer Company.

(More: Where to Buy Craft Beer on Black Friday)

Go to the Calendar now

Check out our Denver Beer Beat calendar! You can export events to your iCal and/or sort them by your favorite brewery/beer bar, by the day or by the topic with a quick search for key words.

Whatever you plan to do, make sure you plan appropriate transportation and drink responsibly… use two hands. Don’t drink and drive!

Cheers homies to these awesome Turkey week events. I hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday with their family and friends. Stay Thirsty and Keep Denver Beer’d!

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