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Embracing the Funk at Yazoo’s Funk Fest 2017

Embracing the Funk at Yazoo’s Funk Fest 2017
Ben Lolli

In the heart of Tennessee, you will find an awesome little sour beer festival being put on by Yazoo Brewing Company. Funk Fest, it’s called. In case you did not know, Yazoo started making sour and funky beers in 2012 as part of its Embrace the Funk series.


Why So Funky?

Ben Lolli Filming at Yazoo Funk Fest

This was easily the funkiest festival I have ever attended, and it was unlike many other sour beer festivals. From the funky band, funky clothing, and funky glassware to the funky beers, this festival was an all-around unique experience. An eclectic collection of breweries from all over the United States arrived in Nashville with sour beers. I sampled beers from Pennsylvania to Colorado and all the way down to Florida. Many were from breweries I had never heard of before, but the beers were just as creative and delicious as anything I have ever tasted.

Nashville, Tennessee may not the first place that comes to mind for drinking excellent sour beers. It is easy to bypass a state better known for its moonshine and country music history. However, if you ever find yourself in Nashville, consider Embracing the Funk!

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