PorchDrinking Playlist | Rockin’ Around The Christmas Tree

I’m a strict “No Christmas Until After Thanksgiving” kind of guy. I threaten to fire employees, yell loudly when I hear the faint jingling of bells, and I materialize as the physical embodiment of “Bah Humbug” until Santa’s sleigh arrives with the Macy’s Day Parade. While some of my fervor may be out of respect for Thanksgiving (a very underrated bacchanalian holiday where the goal is to hang out with those close to you and consume things like you were an H2 on a road trip), I also get really sick of Christmas music. Living in LA it feels wrong walking outside singing “Let It Snow” when it is 90 degrees out on Thanksgiving. In case you are wondering, that was not hyperbole—it was 90 degrees on Thanksgiving this year.
There is not enough variety in carols to sustain a two-month assault on my ears, so I push hard to celebrate the arrival of the December holidays until, oddly, December. And, bluntly, Christmas music just doesn’t rock enough. It’s the rom-com of holidays—we all know what’s going to happen and it’s going to end happily. Halloween? We’re dancing to Thriller and thrashing to Bark at the Moon. Independence Day? St. Patrick’s Day? We’re partying. Christmas? A silent night. We need some help.
In order to not seem like a total scrooge—and because we have too many holiday beers to imbibe without musical accompaniment—here’s as rocking of a holiday playlist as the gods of music have provided us. Try to liven up your holiday party with these tunes and a few seasonal beers—Corsendonk Christmas Ale is my personal favorite, a delightful deep dark Belgian beer that will warm your soul no matter the temperature outside. Or you can snag a few of The Bruery’s 12 Days of Christmas beers, a seasonal tradition that always produces something interesting, especially if you can find the barrel-aged versions.
No matter what it is you choose to drink or listen to, or which days you choose to celebrate, cheers to all, and may your yuletide be merry and bright.
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