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Metropolitan Brewing Celebrates 10 Years of Business in the Increasingly Competitive Chicago Market

Metropolitan Brewing Celebrates 10 Years of Business in the Increasingly Competitive Chicago Market
Taylor Laabs

Chicago and the surrounding area are currently home to the most breweries in the nation. It’s an especially impressive stat when you realize that the market hasn’t really been around for that long. Being able to create a successful brewery during the early growth period of the Chicago market and then stay equally successful amongst growing competition across every neighborhood in the city is an impressive feat that deserves a bit of praise. It’s not easy, but Metropolitan Brewing has managed to do it, which is why their upcoming 10 Year Anniversary celebration this Saturday is so exciting.

One of the originals in this now massive market, Metropolitan was founded by Doug and Tracy Hurst a decade ago. Besides from being one of the oldest independent breweries in the city, Metropolitan stood out then and still stands out now thanks to their unique brewing concept. Instead of focusing on hugely-hopped IPAs or crazy sour combinations, Metro decided to take a bit of a risk by focusing on brewing easily accessible German-style lagers that have won them a number of accolades over the years. The Hursts focus on making good, clean beer that is easy to drink and even easier to share amongst friends. It’s a simple brewing concept that continually resonates with Chicago locals and tourists alike.

Metropolitan has found the niche in the market that has made them successful. This in turn has led to an expanded influence in the market and in their scenic Rockwell event space (next to the taproom) that overlooks the Chicago river – which is where the 10 Year Anniversary Party will be held.

Here are the details on the party:

When: January 19th from 8:00 pm to 12:00 am

Where: Metropolitan’s Taproom: Rockwell on the River, 3057 N. Rockwell St.

Tickets: Tickets are $80 but they do get you all-inclusive beer, food from Das Radler and entertainment like interactive art installations and fighting robots (?), along with a commemorative glass and getting to party with the Metropolitan crew.

Oh, and the taste list features a bunch of heavy-hitters, rare beers and never-before-seen offerings including a beer brewed just for the party: 10th Gear, which is a California Common that offers big hits of caramel and hop aromas. Here are some of the other standouts set to be poured:

  • 2018 Barrel-aged Generator Doppelbock infused with cherries
  • 2018 Barrel-aged Arc Welder Dunkel Rye
  • firkin – dry-hopped Flywheel
  • two different coffee infusions on nitro pour
  • firkin – Generator infused with blueberry
  • Das Radler Haus Helles

Patrons can also expect the standards like Heliostat and Generator to be flowing freely as well. It’s a celebration a decade in the making so expect a few heartfelt speeches and “Prost” cheers.

Afterall, it’s damn tough to be a successful in the Chicago market, not because of the lack of drinkers, but due to the wealth of great options. Churning out consistently awesome German-style lagers that don’t end with PA is a testament to the consistent excellence of Metropolitan and the successful niche they’ve established for themselves in this vibrant beer-drinking market.

I can’t wait to celebrate with Metropolitan on a successful ten years of business. Here’s hoping to ten more. Cheers!

*Feature image courtesy of Metropolitan Brewing

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