Ultimate 6er | The Office (US)
Has there ever been a show on Netflix that has been more in the background of your everyday life than NBC’s The Office? It’s perhaps one of the most beloved comedies for millennials. The Office contains a slew of strong, lovable characters, a plethora of quotable one-liners, and an interesting story of a small paper company in northeast Pennsylvania.
There was an unfortunate, yet predictable drop in enjoyment during later seasons after Michael Scott (played by Steve Carell) left the show, but the show redeemed itself one of the best finales on TV. Many a beer have consumed while giggling uncontrollably to The Office, and many more will be the in future. Here’s our Ultimate 6’er of Office-related character-beer pairings. Read well and shove it up your butt!
Jim Halpert
Tuna | Half Acre Beer Company
Stats: 4.7% ABV
Sometimes the obvious choice is the right choice. A Session IPA is perfect for Jim “Big Tuna” Halpert to pound back between pranking his coworkers and flirting with the receptionist. Both Tunas are medium-bodied and slightly piney (pining?), and would probably pair well with Jim’s daily ham and cheese sandwich. *insert look to the camera here*
Michael Scott
That’s What She Said | Treehouse Brewing Company
Stats: 5.6% ABV, 28 IBU
Much like Michael’s pretzel day topping preference, this beer would provide a similar effect of sugar high and subsequent crash. Perhaps this is what was actually in the World’s Best Boss mug. Did you know how many times Michael says “That’s what she said”? It’s 35. If given the opportunity, we would be thrilled to have this beer another 34 times. Rich chocolate and deep coffee notes sneak through this sweet, lactose filled Milk Stout. We are going to restructure the digital layout of the website to maximize EVERYTHING. Are you with us?! ARE YOU WITH US?! Thankyouverymuch.
Dwight Schrute
Roots Radical | Ratio Beerworks
Stats: 5.6% ABV, 16 IBU
Would Dwight drink anything else besides a beet Saison? Maybe Schrute Farms supplied the very beets used in this earthy yet refreshing beer. When we sampled this beer three years ago, we couldn’t help but think about Dwight. It truly puts the beets in Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
Stanley Hudson
Florida Man | Cigar City Brewing
Stats: 8.5% ABV, 50 IBU
Florida Stanley is who you want on your Florida team. To get through the craziness that is Tallahassee, Stanley would need a boozier beverage like this Imperial IPA. The bitterness in this beer is equivalent to him saying “Did I stutter?”, while the crushing amount hops are dangerously close to Stanley’s sex life. Boom, Roasted!
Robert California
Lizard of Koz | Founders Brewing Co.
Stats: 10.5% ABV, 40 IBU
If Robert California’s favorite ice cream isn’t vanilla, then one must assume that good ole RC likes things a little more on the wild side. A blueberry, chocolate, vanilla, bourbon barrel-aged Imperial Stout is bound to inspire the effing Lizard King’s one-man saturnalia. Lizard of Koz is a divisive, confusing, complicated beer, and so is Robert California (and basically all of season 8). Do you love it, hate it, or love to hate it?
Pam Beesly
Whoops! All Berries | Lil Beaver Brewery
Stats: 6.5% ABV
It’s Pam’s favorite yogurt flavor in a low-key Wheat Beer: Mixed berries! Although pop tops from the cans may not be as obvious as yogurt lids, leave it to Pam to make something artsy-fartsy. The balance of raspberry, blueberry, and blackberry leaves you wishing for second drink. We’d like to thank God because God gave us this beer, and we feel God in this Chili’s tonight.
Honorable Mention
One of the bright notes of the later seasons, Nate would obviously have any mint stout. Take your pick! Beer’s gotten mintier lately, have you noticed?
Featured Image (The Office) | Photo Credit Courtesy of The Office Instagram.
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