#louisianacraftbeer Archives – PorchDrinking.com
Urban South Celebrates Mardi Gras With Three Special Themed Releases
March 14, 2022 | Ruvani de SilvaAs seasonal and event-focused beers grow in popularity, Mardi Gras beers are now becoming a trend around the country, tying in with local celebrations or referencing NOLA traditions. For New Orleans’ largest brewery by volume, Urban South, this is the time of year for curated innovation as they update their annual triple-release of brews to celebrate the city’s biggest party.
Urban South & Verdant Brewing (UK) | Hop The Pond IPA
May 18, 2021 | Ruvani de SilvaIn just five years, New Orleans’ Urban South Brewing has made a huge impact in the beer world and is currently one of the fastest-growing breweries in the U.S. With more than 200 beers released to date, multiple awards under their belt and newly expanded distribution across Alabama, Tennessee and Mississippi, Urban South are riding high and celebrating their fifth anniversary in style with a 15-beer collaboration project that includes some of the biggest names in U.S. craft beer. Drekker, American Solera, Aslin and Pontoon are all involved in this highly ambitious project that includes beer styles ranging from mixed-fermentation Table Beer to Fruited Pastry Sour to TIPA.
The Happy Couple Behind Miel Brewery & Taproom
February 18, 2021 | Katie de la Rosa“You’ll notice he has this laugh.”
That’s one of the first sentences Janice Montoya said about her fiance and business partner, Alex Peyroux, on a stormy Tuesday in January in … Read More
The Love Story Behind Gnarly Barley Brewing
February 9, 2021 | Katie de la RosaA love story that has spawned a nationally renowned craft brewery, one that has pumped out some of the highest-quality and most eccentric beers found anywhere on the Gulf Coast, has humble beginnings. And no, it didn’t just start with a hand-built homebrew kit in the garage.
It started five years before that, with a gas station-bought fishing rod and a tin of sardines.
Fairhope Brewing Co. | Cheap Sunglasses Golden Ale
December 31, 2020 | Chris WallnerIn 2021, L.A.’s first craft brewery turns 8, and there’s sure to be a Pelican Party like none other! Oh wait — you thought L.A. was Los Angeles? Try the other L.A., more than 2000 miles away from the City of Angels. This L.A. is Lower Alabama, and Fairhope Brewing Company is proud to call itself the region’s first craft brewery.

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