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1000th Post

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Well hey there! Nice of you to join us. In case you couldn’t decipher based on this seemingly self explanatory title, this commemorates our 1000th post and oh what a ride it has been.  We’d like to extend a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has been with us from the beginning and everyone who has joined us along the way.

The exciting thing is that there’s much more on the way!  I thought I’d step away from my beer briefly to give you a preview of a few things that are in the works.

1. We’re an LLC. That is neat

2. We were recently quoted in USA Today… also neat!

3. Becoming an LLC also means we can start making money… legally, which brings me to our next bit of exciting news. We’re proud to introduce Hops and Pie, our new partner which you might have noticed in the upper right hand corner of our home page.  This Denver craft pizza/craft beer joint is a must visit locale for beer fans and often hosts a number of amazing tap take overs and special releases.  We’ll be featuring more on Hops and Pie in the near future.

hops and pie denver happy hour



4. We’re also working on creating new merch for PD. We’ve gotten several requests for t-shirts, bottle openers and more so we’re exploring costs and how we’d run the operation. And eventually we’d like to reach the point where we can add a merch store to the website so be on the lookout.

5. We’re partnering with Crafting a Nation (the folks who made the craft beer documentary) for a big event for the night before GABF. It’ll be a panel discussion with industry people like Dale from Oskar Blues, the graphic design firm for Odell, 21st amendment and Deschutes, one of the founders of Alamo Drafthouse, and more… and of course it’ll also be a mini beer event.

6. We’ve added a number of fantastic new posts such as InterNEAT which features hilarious, ridiculous, viral and entertaining internet finds from throughout the week. Getting a Woody which focuses on barrel aged beers, Homebrewing posts, and Awesomesauce which showcases a cool website that you should check out.


7. We could always use new writers! If you feel like you want to become more involved in the PorchDrinking community we’d love for you to shoot us an e-mail with a sample piece of work to [email protected]

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