Southern Tier | Farmer’s Tan

ABV: 4.6 %
Now that Summer is fully upon us, I thought it would be nice to showcase one of my favorite summer seasonal beers! Southern Tier, a brewery out of Lakewood, New York, has dialed in on a phenom in their Session India Pale Ale named “Farmer’s Tan.” If the name alone isn’t reason enough to give it a try, just wait until you taste it.
While the name may sound familiar, this beer is a new offering from Southern Tier Brewing. That’s because Farmer’s Tan was also the name of their their Spring/Summer seasonal beer from 2010-2012, but the main difference being the original was an Imperial Pale Lager. This new version of Farmer’s Tan is also bottle conditioned. From what I learned from the Southern Tier website, means the beer they add more yeast and sugar to the beer once it has already been bottled. This process gets rid of oxygen, and adds carbonation, thus giving it a longer shelf life.
The appearance of this beer is similar to most IPA’s. A rich golden honey color, with a small amount of head once poured into a pint glass. I also noticed a lot of bubble stream in the glass that is most likely due to the conditioning process. The taste is crisp, light and refreshing. There are slight hints of citrus, pine, hops. Similar to other Session IPA’s, it has a nice smooth finish, with the perfect light amount of carbonation and bitterness.
As I mentioned Southern Tier’s Farmer’s Tan is only available a few months out of the year (Spring/Summer months), so make sure not to miss out! I knew Southern Tier would never disappoint me, and I’m so happy to have discovered this beer right during the peak of summer. Even if you are someone who is not a typical IPA drinker, I think you will definitely be impressed by Southern Tier’s newest seasonal addition.
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