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Ultimate 6er | Surviving the Snow Days

Surviving Snow
Andrew Sharp

The snow is falling in parts of the country. While some states have yet to see its first flurries, others got over 20 inches of snow over night this month. Before the snow piles so high we give up and resign ourselves to the couch, filling our days with binge watching Netflix, we’d like to offer a few choices for provisions to stock up on. Better prepared than sober, I say.

Enjoy-by-IPA | Stone Brewing

Stone’s Enjoy-by-IPA is everything winter isn’t. It’s fresh; bursting with citrus notes and piney, hoppy goodness. Stone has stretched their supply chain abilities to the limits to deliver a bottle of southern California goodness to your tongue in record time, and this freshness shows. The citrus and floral notes that this beer delivers in spades are the quickest to fade over long supply chains. This is one bruiser of an IPA as well, pushing the scales at 9.4% ABV, each one more warming than the last.

Cane & Ebel | Two Brothers Brewing

Snow piled high enough to make throwing your own brother out a 2nd story window into that snowbank? Two Brothers comes to the rescue with their Cane & Ebel Rye. This beer is smooth and creamy, but still has the spicy bite of rye on the back that will warm you to to the core. This beer is fermented with palm sugar, it has been such a hit for Two Brothers, word on the street is that they are now the largest importer of palm sugar in the US.


Thundersnow | Madtree Brewing

Cincinnati’s Madtree has truly hit the winter warmer on the head with Thundersnow. It has a delicious, slightly sweet, nutty and malty backbone that is perfectly balanced with a healthy dose of vanilla, nutmeg, and cinnamon. The sweetness of the body endures through the spices and leaves you with a raisiny tang that will make you feel like your mouth is a grape in the sun. This is a fantastic winter warmer to get you through those long, dark months.


Poet | New Holland Brewing

No winter six pack would be complete without a fair amount of warming, dark beers to help chase the snowdrifts away. New Holland’s Poet oatmeal stout is the perfect companion for a hearty chili or beef stew on a cold night. The flavor is bold, but dosen’t elbow its way into your mouth. The oatmeal imparts a massively smooth mouth feel that makes it a great pairing with food. Its relatively low 5.2% ABV makes it relatively sessionable, allowing you to stay awake through the last log in the fireplace.


Siberian Night | Thirsty Dog Brewing Co.

Every winter six pack also needs a stout that cries for attention. Siberian Night is a palate wrecker of an imperial stout. This stout goes beyond the semi-sweet chocolate of most stouts and instead delivers a blast of dark baking chocolate. This mellows out into a roasty, delightfully tannic finish of turkish coffee. Only reach for this beer on the coldest of nights, partly because it is strong medicine for the cold, but also because once you have one you’ll want another, and after two, you’re in for the night with its massive 9.7% ABV.


Oak Aged Espresso Yeti | Great Divide Brewing Co.

Great Divide’s Yeti is a Colorado Classic. The perfect remedy for sore muscles after a day of skiing in subzero temperatures. Theres a huge roasty, hoppy body that is punctuated by the booziness of a 9+% beer. This is better than Yeti. Barrel Aged Yeti is even better, smoothing out some of the roastyness and hops with some vanilla, oaky smoothness. This is better than Oak Aged Yeti.  When you add espresso beans to the mix mix…things get amazing. Espresso Oak Aged Yeti is simply amazing, it tastes like the best iced coffee that you’ve ever had and the best stout you’ve ever had simultaneously. The alcohol is certainly warming, but the coffee makes this the perfect pairing for wintry weather. It will give you just enough energy to get back out to shoveling snow. Its good enough to brave the arctic temperatures when your local tap room has it, and the coffee will serve as the perfect pick-me-up to walk back home.

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