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Ultimate 6er | DC Comics Heroes and Villains and Craft Beer

dc comics craft beer
Marc Beckley

From the gritty streets of Gotham to the alien world of Krypton, we decided to take a look at what the DC Comic Universe’s most renowned heroes and villains would drink after a long day (or night) of crime-fighting and chaos creating.

The main set of DC Comics characters that come to mind in a Family Feud kind of way include Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman (The Dark Knight), Bane, The Joker and his chosen Gotham City siren, Harley Quinn. Each one of these deep, complex and foreboding characters loves a good solid IPA like Eliot from Ex Novo Brewing in Portland: clean, crisp and always solid with its hop-forward citrus, resinous and dank flavors.

Superman | Live Oak—Hefeweizen

If we’re starting with DC’s most iconic character then we should look no further than the Man of Steel, Superman.  Fighting for truth and justice above all else. When he might have time to sit down and chill in his fortress of solitude, he has to enjoy a classic beer that always tastes crisp and refreshing. Superman, while a bit milk toast in personality, is likely to stick with a beer more rooted in tradition, than one underscored by flashy innovation. When it comes to well-built traditional styles Live Oak Hefeweizen serves as the perfect modern-day representation of a classic.  It is authentically brewed using a traditional yeast strain that naturally creates the signature flavors of vanilla, clove and banana. At 5.3% ABV, It’s not too heavy to weigh him down if he is called into action quickly, allowing him to still be able to slick back his hair and adjust the wrinkles of his suit before flying off to save the day again. 

Wonder Woman | Modern Times—Revolution of the Moon

Wonder Woman, AKA Princess Diana of Themyscira, on the other hand, has other ideas on how to spend her downtime. Wild Barrel-Aged beers speak to the historic and untamed nature of her Amazonian roots, and her Lasso of Truth gets to the heart of any matter at hand and with it, she chooses Revolution of the Moon by Modern Times.  This Sour Ale aged in red wine barrels with Montmorency cherries and African vanilla beans is true to its style and is bold with nuances of mellow complexity. Its gentle alcohol 6.4% ABV makes this a dynamic and powerful beverage that’s reflective of her own personality. While still embracing her more feminine and delicate side, Wonder Woman cannot be tamed and lets her true strength shine through, much like in Revolution of the Moon.

Batman | 3Floyds—Dark Lord

Then, of course, there is Batman, AKA Bruce Wayne. He is a well-known celebrity billionaire playboy by day and masked vigilante with a secret identity by night, whose anger was triggered when his parents were murdered before his own eyes. Taken from him when he was only a young child, he is compelled to fight for justice in Gotham City. Due to constantly being met with wrongdoing citizens, he has become a dark and foreboding vigilante, choosing to fight within the shadows. As the Dark Knight, it’s only natural that he would choose to enjoy Dark Lord Russian Imperial Stout from 3Floyds. Its slightly mysterious and sinister nature has flavors of deep dark chocolate, cherries and roasted rich coffee, while taking and packing a punch at 15% ABV.

Harley Quinn | Georgetown Brewing—Meowsa

And let’s not ignore the villains! One of our favorite villainous couples has a heroine named Harley Quinn who is beautiful, bubbly and psychotic. Her personality mimics what we love about beer, she has multiple personalities and if ever taken down, she bounces back strong. She has a warped mind and is the poster child of chaos, always ready for an unpredictable fight. After dancing with madness and terror, she loves a big bold flavor-filled Double IPA like Meowsa from Georgetown Brewing Company. This beer will kiss you on the lips, then punch you in the face before you can blink with its 8.1% ABV. It is both dank and resinous although it cuts quickly to a smooth juicy flavor that makes this crazy kitten purr. As she has been known to say, “Sometimes the only way sane is to go a bit crazy.” 

The Joker | Deschutes Brewery—Fresh Funk

The Joker really doesn’t choose the spotlight, and when he can capture downtime, he prefers to imbibe in something a little more off-center and less mainstream that will put a smile on his face. After he introduces chaos and then retreats to let entropy take over and see how crazy things can get out there, he only prefers a nice Wild IPA like Fresh Funk from Deschutes Brewery, Its tasty barnyard character helps him relax and scheme after each murderous day of chaos. The addition of Brettanomyces to this brew takes a tragedy and makes it a true comedy of delicious and balanced flavors with a bit of crazy with 6.2% ABV.  It makes cents for him to like the wild IPAs because Madness is like gravity, all it needs is a little Brettanomyces added.

Bane | Gigantic Brewing—Massive

Bane has dedicated his life to training his mind and body, and he takes the same dedication to his love of craft beer. The ruthless deep rich flavors of Barleywines serve his appetites. Particularly the Gigantic Brewing Massive Barleywine, this variant was lay to rest in Scotch barrels before it saw the light. Using British Golden Promise malt and boiled for eight hours, the rich tasty treat has notes and flavors of caramel, coconut, maple, dark candied fruits, oak, toffee and scotch. This beer soothes his rich appetites after a long day and night of plotting and scheming.

After a long week of hard work doing our own personal hero tasks, whatever that means for each of you, whether it be Engineering, practicing veterinary medicine, being a delivery driver, etc, beer should be a way to balance the stress of the day with entertainment and creativity. It’s a well-known fact that there are about as many characters in the DC Universe as there are excellent beers as well as mundane tasks that we have to do each day. The goal here is to use toys and beer to lighten the load so to speak and remind us all to live a bit more as Peter Pan would have approved and never grow up. That’s really why toys and beer are made. As the hero of your own world, what craft beer do you choose and what does it say about you? My Instagram is @beerandfun if these are things you enjoy I hope to see you there.

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