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#adamavery Archives –

The Weekly Buzz | November 24 – 30

December 1, 2017 |

So, which of you maniacs woke up ungodly early to hunt for Black Friday beer releases or discount video game consoles? I did neither. I went to my job and nursed my Thanksgiving hangover like a responsible grown up. With every passing minute, I grew more and more enraged by BCBS posts. First of all, I don’t really care what beer you bought, and, secondly, it’s just really fancy Budweiser. There’s no need to flood every beer forum with pictures of your “haul”. Anyway… Other things happened this week, too. Here they are in an all-new edition of The Weekly Buzz.
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Adam Avery on the Decision to Sell a Minority Stake to Mahou San Miguel

November 29, 2017 |

Yesterday Avery Brewing Company announced that it would be selling a minority stake, in the range of 30%, to family-owned Spanish brewing group, Mahou San Miguel. Recently celebrating their 24th anniversary, Avery Brewing has served as a pioneer in the art of barrel-aged and high gravity beers.

The news of yesterday’s partnership immediately drew a wide range of reactions and speculation from beer fanatics, so we decided to catch up with Adam Avery, who alongside his father Larry founded Avery in 1993.

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