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Dancing Gnome Archives –

What We’re Drinking | July 6, 2018

July 6, 2018 |

This week we celebrated our independence from the crown. Nationwide, record-high temperatures inspired us to drink the finest, coldest beers we could get our hands on. Not only did they quench our thirst, but they provided a diversion from the horrifying hellscape of our current government. Why have one beer when you can have six? This is What We’re Drinking.
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The Weekly Buzz | September 8 – 14

September 15, 2017 |

This week was a bummer in a lot of ways. Houston is still reeling from Harvey, Florida got beat up by Irma and we remembered the anniversary of a devastating terrorist attack. You know what, though? We got through it. We’ll continue to get through it. Even though at times it may seem like we are kicking ourselves in the ass, we’ll find a way to make it right. Until that day, we will have America’s greatest coping mechanism at our disposal–beer. Crack open a fresh one, and get ready for The Weekly Buzz.
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What We’re Drinking | August 4, 2017

August 4, 2017 |

It’s been a ridiculously great week of PorchDrinking. Our staff cracked into some truly great beers, which should make you VERY jealous. Whether you’re in the mood for beers that are black as the night, sour as a lemon or hoppy like… well… a hop, we have a beer for you. This is What We’re Drinking!
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Brewers of Pennsylvania Releases 2017 Summer Beer Suggestions

June 29, 2017 |

Featured image credit: Brewers of Pennsylvania 

With the heat of summer now descending upon us, the Brewers of Pennsylvania (BOP), the commonwealth’s official brewers guild, has released its 2017 Summer Beer Suggestions. The beers on their list are carefully crafted by BOP members throughout PA, and offer consumers a chance to truly quench their thirst in the brutal Mid-Atlantic summer.
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What We’re Drinking | May 12, 2017

May 12, 2017 |

I’m jealous of every PorchDrinker this week. I have been working too much to enjoy any fine craft brews. Luckily, I get to live vicariously through each and every one of them. Don’t worry about me, fair readers. My liver shall be vindicated next week. I’ll be vacationing in Myrtle Beach and will have nothing to do except imbibe. Does anyone have bail money to lend me in advance? This is What We’re Drinking!

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What We’re Drinking | March 31, 2017

March 31, 2017 |

Through no fault of our own, we didn’t get to post What We’re Drinking last week. The opposition party believes that this was caused by a vast international conspiracy. Luckily, the chairman of the House Beer Blog Oversight Committee assures me that there is nothing to worry about and has canceled all future hearings on the matter. We should be in the clear, as long as Fake Tears over in the Senate doesn’t dig too deep into this. In order to wipe this minor oversight from your minds, I present a special two-week edition of What We’re Drinking. Fake news!

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