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#speciationartisanales Archives –

Speciation Artisan Ales | Underbru Saison

November 14, 2023 |

In an ever-changing industry with constantly varying trends, breweries often struggle to figure out how they can stand out. Michigan is a particularly competitive state when it comes to craft beer, and Underbru is a perfect example of some of the unique and exciting products that have been coming out of the Midwest. More specifically it’s a testament to Speciation Artisan Ales as a whole, a brewery rooted in the idea of displaying nature’s creativity and diversity.

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What We’re Drinking | May 29, 2020

May 29, 2020 |

Another week of the global COVID-19 pandemic has ushered us out of the month of May, and we are starting to see some states (and breweries!) open back up and some new restrictions to aid in our safety while we explore this new stage in our country’s history. Continue to stay safe, shop local and do your part in stopping the spread of this disease. And while we typically use this site to bring a positive reprieve away from the real world, it’d be hard not to acknowledge the horrific scene of racism and police brutality that continues to flood our headlines. RIP George Floyd. We can do better as a community… without further ado, Here’s What We’re Drinking.

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What We’re Drinking | April 24, 2020

April 24, 2020 |

As we see May on the horizon, the majority of us are still isolating and sheltering in place, waiting for some good news and a timeline of when life as we knew it can start again. We hope everyone is staying safe, practicing social distancing when out picking up essentials and yes, supporting local businesses! Our team is busy bringing ya’ll great articles and of course drinking great local craft beer while doing so. Check out what we’re drinking.

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