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Uinta Brewing Company | Hop Nosh IPA

Hop Nosh
ABV: 7.0% | IBU: 82.4

While exploring craft beer early on, we stumbled upon the higher point brews of Utah’s local breweries. We found Uinta Brewing’s Hop Nosh IPA. In the beginning, it was tough to handle bitter, hoppy beers but did our best trying them in limited amounts. Doesn’t almost every craft beer enthusiast go through the transition of ‘hop hater’ to ‘hop head’? There is no vaccine – once you’ve caught the bug, you have it. The beginning pursuit for the most floral, hoppy, bitter beers in an effort to satisfy your tongue’s need for liquid adventure.

Hop Nosh was originally known as Hop Notch. However, after a peaceful resolution to a naming dispute, the beer was rebranded with a new moniker. The beer didn’t change, but the name was slightly different. When Uinta introduced the world to Hop Nosh, they did so by not only changing the label, but adding this flagship beer to their canned lineup.

We have a love-hate-love relationship with Uinta Brewing’s Hop Nosh IPA. We remember the excitement of rushing to the brewery to be one of the first to grab a fresh six pack. The cans are beautiful, standing out on the shelf with a bright yellow coat of armor. Crack open a fresh can of Hop Nosh and scent of pine sap surround you. This IPA boasts strong pine and citrus flavors with a hint of bitter fruit carried from the first sip to the last. But, we learned the hard way. This beer is so easy to drink, you’ll grab another because you don’t want the flavor to end. And then another. However, drinking more than planned can leave you a little heavy headed in the morning.

Hop Nosh received another facelift not too long ago. But, don’t worry, you can still tell who it is. Just think of it as the craft beer version of your favorite celebrity. One who is amazing on the inside, but with each slight change, looks younger and refreshed time after time.


Chris & Sylvia are a #craftbeercouple who love everything beer! Check them out on Instagram @chrishollands & @sylily.

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