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What We’re Drinking | June 25th, 2016

What We’re Drinking | June 25th, 2016
Lanie Novack

Happy weekend, beer lovers! Summer is officially here and boy does the temperature agree. Let us ponder all of the best places for you to stay cool with your favorite beverage this weekend:

On a boat.
In a cold shower.
In a hammock in the shade.
On a mountain.
In a river.
In an air-conditioned taproom.

Wipe the sweat from your brow, grab a koozie, and have a blast. You’ve earned it. *clink*

Terrapin Side Project 26: Poivre Potion | Terrapin Beer Company


“Terrapin Side Project 26: Poivre Potion Pink Peppercorn Saison! It’s quite peppery on the nose, nice flavor too. Happy Summer!” — Holly Gerard

Symzonia | Omnipollo 

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“Celebrating Not a Father’s Day with my hubby! Omnipollo Symzonia went perfectly with creme brûlée French toast for breakfast. Now for a day of boat drinking. Cheers!” Danele Bova

Fred | Hair of the Dog Brewing Company

Hair of the Dog Brewing Co. - Fred Golden Special ale

“There is a lot going on in this little bottle. The smooth creamy aroma does not prepare you for the dance hall filled with rye malts, Belgian sugars and intense hops. It’s a calm build up to an exciting party of flavors!” John Pylant

Athena | Creature Comforts Brewing Co.


“We caught Lake Street Dive at the Georgia Theatre in Athens last night. Hit up a late night pizza joint [Brixx Pizza] afterwards, where we crushed some Creature Comforts Athena w/ pineapple syrup and Reclaimed Rye. Have you ever paid $1.95 for a full pint of craft beer? #winning” Josh Ritenour

Cherry Fruit Stand | Casey Brewing & Blending


“This beer is special for three reasons:
1) I was able to enjoy it during Casey Brewing & Blending’s first of many intimate brewery tours and tastings.
2) It was perfectly balanced and flavorful for the hot afternoon.
3) The best part was making a new beer friend and sharing the bottle of this Cherry Fruit Stand. Why is that you might ask? This community we call the craft community is the reason I love beer so much. I have been fortunate enough to meet so many amazing people in my journeys to breweries and beer events! And my favorite part is that we all seek to share beer with our fellow beer-drinker because it makes the experience of the beer that much better.” Desiree Duzich

Damn! IPA | Crooked Stave and The Motet

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“When your favorite band (The Motet) and one of  your favorite breweries (Crooked Stave) collaborate on a beer, called Damn! IPA, good things happen.”  K.C. Cunilio

White Fang | Beer Hound Brewery

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“At the Hop Blossom Beer Festival. The most spicy, herbal wit I have ever had but so amazingly refreshing. They mastered the combo of Coriander, Orange Peel, and special guest Chamomile!” Scott Johnson

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