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What We’re Drinking | November 11, 2016

What We're Drinking
Danele Bova

I could talk about it….you know. The Election. But I won’t. Some people are unhappy with the results and the road that lies ahead. Today isn’t about that, though. Today is Veteran’s Day and we want to honor those who have fought so hard for our freedom. Today we honor Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers, Friends. These are the people who matter! So raise a toast to someone you know who has given their all to keep our country great, always.


Double Creature Feature | Pipeworks Brewing & Toppling Goliath Brewing


“Double Creature Feature. A collaboration between Pipeworks and Toppling Goliath.” – Mike Zoller

Persica Wild Wild Brett | Crooked Stave


“Latest version of Crooked Stave’s Peach Sour. It has a great journey through the flavor with an acidic tartness immediately followed by a sweet peachy middle and finished off quickly with a crisp mild tartness.” – Brady Akers

Baby’s Lunch | 16 Mile Brewery


“A must-visit brewery on the way to our annual romantic getaway in Rehoboth Beach, DE.” – Dan Bortz

Stupid Sexy | Revelry Brewing


“Why yes….I am. Amazing barrel aged sour, a blend of a red wine BA Flemish brown and a red wine BA 100% Brett fermented dark farmhouse.” – Danele Bova

Buried Sun | TRVE Brewing


“Buried Sun is a French Style Farmhouse ale. Smells of goat corpse funk (just kidding) and tastes like the bright of day leaving for the last time. One of my favorites from this brewery. Cheers!” – Chris Hollands

Gourd Shorts | Florida Beer Co.


“Great name and a fun label, this Florida interpretation of the pumpkin ale adds a dash of vanilla to make for a tasty autumn beer.” – John Pylant

Sacrosanct | Bottlehouse Brewing


“First election coverage beer: Sacrosanct Abbey Ale at the Bottlehouse Brewery.” – Kevin Risner

Crank It Hop | Imperial Oak Brewing


“Chugging a 32oz crowler of Crank it Hop IPA is needed to handle this election.” – Mathew Powers

Never & Again | Trillium Brewing


“My late night prep. Sadly it is a lot like Donald Trump: Exciting, abrasive and orange but goes down like straight up battery acid. >.< ” – Scott Johnson

Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey | Eagle Rare


“When the nation is imploding in slow motion, beer just isn’t enough…” – Dan Bortz

Ryeway to Heaven (Vanilla Plum Variant) | Revolution Brewing


“Ohhhh…Zen. I get it now. This is it. DELICIOUS!!!!!” – Mathew Powers

King Don’s Pumpkin Ale | Catawba Brewing


“Tastes very close to my wife’s homemade pumpkin pie (none of that canned gourd in this house)! Plenty of delicious autumn spices to compliment the fresh pumpkins in this ale. All hail the pumpkin king, King Don!” – John Pylant

Eclipse | Fifty Fifty Brewing


“I made the mistake of eating beforehand” – Justin Carter

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