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Stickman Brews | Obesity Epidemic

Stickman Brews | Obesity Epidemic
Kurt Bevilacqua

“Stickman Brews focuses on American twists of Belgian-inspired beers among other things.”

Smack dab on the middle of the homepage on their website, you will come across this self-description written in all caps. Obesity Epidemic, a Belgian-style stout, truly backs up that claim. This beer fuses those two cultures in perfect harmony.

The melting pot that is released from the can brings together flavors influenced from the classic Belgian styles mixed with those from an American-style stout. Nothing is overdone, no flavor too extreme or out there. It uniquely lets the blend tastefully stand on its own without becoming too fancy with the ingredients used, which is on brand given their labels sport beautifully simple artwork of stick-figure people.

(More: Brewery Showcase | Stickman Brews)

Obesity Epidemic pours similar to most stouts with a dark body and tan-colored head, although that settles out quickly. On the nose, you are hit with a smokiness along with a richness of chocolate and sweet, dark fruits, as well as a bite of coffee. It is a bold smell that opens the eyes wide, but overall the beer is a more drinkable, medium-body stout.

Roasted and dark chocolate flavors are upfront and pleasantly linger. Carbonation is light paired with a slight creamy mouthfeel making it have a little resemblance to a milk stout. The bitterness is balanced well giving off a piney flavor along with coffee.T

(More: PorchDrinking Playlist | Stickman Brews)

The Belgian characteristics are softly picked up as you continue to indulge in this beer. I’m reminded of Belgian strong ales or dubbels with a molasses sweetness combined with hints of raisins. And the finish is dry, a trait found in Belgian yeast.

Within their creative niche of styles, Stickman Brews have an excellent take on a blended style with their Obesity Epidemic! It is the perfect beer when you are looking for a more drinkable stout without sacrificing those bold flavors you are accustomed to within the style.

ABV: 7.8% | IBU: N/A

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