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Bad Weather Brewing Company | Tippin’ It Down

Bad Weather Brewing Company | Tippin’ It Down
Max Sundermeyer

The four weeks of mid-September to mid-October represent the greatest weather of the year in Minnesota. It’s often around 68 degrees and sometimes sunny. Everyone is donned in flannel (my personal outfit of choice). Orange-, red- and yellow-leafed maples line the streets as Oktoberfest celebrations begin. Everyone it seems is in a jovial mood.

That’s because this time of year depicts what is often the beginning of the end of favorable weather in the state. After this beautiful window, the temperature plummets, and we often see our first snowfall.

Newcomers or potential visitors to Minnesota often hear horror stories about the weather and decide to steer clear. Lifelong residents like myself, well, we just get used to it as crazy as it sounds.(Although, I do remember “joking” to my wife about moving to Texas when we received 30 inches of snow last February.)

Minnesotan’s wear our unpredictable, often unfavorable, weather like a badge of honor. We take on our seasons with fortitude, gusto and with a little help from craft beer.

A Beer for Impending Bad Weather

Aptly named Bad Weather Brewing Company creates unique brews that capture the spirit of Minnesota’s seasons. Started in St. Paul in 2015, BWBC quickly built a reputation of flavorful, hop-forward IPAs and a steady line of classic lagers.

Since their beginning, my favorite beer from Bad Weather is one released during this special window of glorious weather – Tippin’ It Down ESB with Earl Grey Tea.

ABV: 5.1% | IBU: 35%

Tippin’ It Down provides a balanced combination of citrus flavors found in classic Earl Grey Tea with the malty, more caramel flavors of an ESB. With your first sip, you’re immediately hit with Earl Grey Tea, but it’s not overpowering. This is quickly followed up with the balance of the malt, and you’re left with a well-rounded, drinkable ESB. The pour gives off a dark, rich amber or copper color, oddly reminiscent of gloomy Minnesota fall day. If you still don’t understand, it’s a beer that pairs well with bad weather.

As Minnesota’s weather inevitably takes a turn for the worse, I take solace knowing that many crazy locals, like myself, are prepared to take it head-on. We’ll have smiles on our faces and beers in hand. Rest assured we’ll be tippin’ them down.

Feature Image Courtesy of Bad Weather Brewing Company 

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