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Saint Benjamin Brewing Company Archives –

The Weekly Buzz | July 6 – 12

July 13, 2018 |

Are you tired of hearing me complain about my job? Well, you’re in luck! My ridiculously long work weeks are coming to an end soon, and I couldn’t be happier. How does my employer expect me to waste time on Twitter while working a 70-hour week? Joke’s on them! I do it on the clock. Anyway, here’s all the nonsense that I discovered while I while shirking my responsibilities. This is The Weekly Buzz!
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The Weekly Buzz | February 9 – 15

February 16, 2018 |

It’s been another fun week on Beer Twitter! There has been so much going on that a bunch of things probably slipped past my net. Either way, I’ve got a fun collection of stuff for you in this week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz, so make sure your boss isn’t around, crack open a beer and start scrolling!
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The Weekly Buzz | November 3 – 9

November 10, 2017 |

This week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz is going to be a little shorter than usual. It’s November, and cold weather has finally arrived, but I refuse to admit it and fire up the furnace. It is a brisk 54 degrees in my living room, and I will soon be departing to enjoy some free heat at my local gym. I might even work out, too! In the meantime, here’s some stuff I found on the internet. Cheers!
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The Weekly Buzz | October 27 – November 2

November 3, 2017 |

Did you imbibe a little too much on National American Beer Day? Are you repressing your Halloween memories? Were your International Stout Day celebrations a bit too raucous? We’ve got you covered. Every fun social media moment that the craft beer world could conjure is right here in our handy little list. This is The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | October 6 – 12

October 13, 2017 |

It’s the week after GABF. We’re all worn out from all the crazy social media chatter. That’s why I kept this edition of The Weekly Buzz short, sweet and light. There are a few event postings, a job announcement and some good old fashioned shenanigans. So, grab a beer. It’s time to zone out and stare at The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | September 8 – 14

September 15, 2017 |

This week was a bummer in a lot of ways. Houston is still reeling from Harvey, Florida got beat up by Irma and we remembered the anniversary of a devastating terrorist attack. You know what, though? We got through it. We’ll continue to get through it. Even though at times it may seem like we are kicking ourselves in the ass, we’ll find a way to make it right. Until that day, we will have America’s greatest coping mechanism at our disposal–beer. Crack open a fresh one, and get ready for The Weekly Buzz.
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The Weekly Buzz | June 23 – 29

June 30, 2017 |

Does anyone else need a few dozen beers? It’s been another knock-down, drag-out week, but it’s Friday at last! Once again, we’ve boiled the week’s beer tweets down to a sweet, sweet wort. It’s time to fill the fermenter of your mind with the best content that we could cull from the annals of the internet. This, ladies and gentlemen, is The Weekly Buzz.
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Saint Benjamin Brewing Company | Wit or Witout

June 2, 2017 |

Featured image credit: Saint Benjamin Brewing Company

ABV: 5.2% | IBU: 17

At some of Philadelphia’s more famous cheesesteak purveyors, you will get kicked to the end of the line if you don’t follow the ordering procedure. You better know if you want “one whiz wit” (a cheesesteak with cheese whiz and onions) or “one provolone witout” (a cheesesteak with provolone cheese, hold the onions). Neither the counter staff nor your fellow patrons will tolerate anyone who slows the line. As an homage to this time-honored procedure, the Philadelphia-based Saint Benjamin Brewing Company decided to call one of their beers “Wit or Witout.”

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