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The Weekly Buzz | November 4 – November 10

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

After the events of this week’s election, there is a lot of uncertainty. To some this is the beginning of the end, and to others it’s a new renaissance for the United States.

The Star Trek universe predicts that poverty will become so bad by 2020 that Sanctuary Districts will be opened, in which the poor, unemployed and mentally ill will be locked away for their own protection. Poor conditions in the Sanctuary Districts will lead to riots in 2024, and World War 3 will begin in 2026 (causing the deaths of over 600 million people). Good thing that is a completely implausible work of fiction! Now, lock the door to your fallout shelter, pry open a can of rations, and enjoy this episode of The Weekly Buzz.

Cans take up less bunker space than bottles!

Craft breweries continue to make this world a better place!

Was there an epic sports-ball contest? I thought I heard something about it…

Craft beer for breakfast in San Diego sounds way better than what I was doing!

Bigfoot got a little older and wiser!

Some interesting news from the man himself!

Be on the lookout for this new Sour Brown Ale with peaches!

This new packaging gives me a little hope.

Do you know how many barrels of craft beer are brewed in your state?

Just walk up to those hops and give them a rub!

I think this would cause a whole new problem on dance floors everywhere.

Yay! Another ray of sunshine created by a brewery doing some good!

Taking jobs away from hard-working draft horses.

I’m so glad this photo had a caption…

Cleanliness is next to godliness.

If you’re already excited for Christmas, here’s an event for you!

Do I know anyone in Kansas City? Someone send me a bottle!


Just because this week needs more happy dog photos…

Something new for those leaf-peeping hikes!

The exact moment she lost the election…

Microbiologists, we salute you!

What’s in the bottle this year?

I bet it has a high approval rating!

A new twist on an old favorite!

Beer spillage is a deal-breaker.

They go hand-in-hand.

My sentiments exactly!

Weekly Buzz

Drink good beer AND raise money for a library?! Sounds like a great idea!

What we all need to do right now…

More happy dogs because we all need a morale boost…

Trump wasn’t the only new leader we got this week!

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