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The Weekly Buzz | February 10 – 16

Weekly Buzz
Dan Bortz

Valentine’s Day fell this week, and I have reaffirmed my love for beer. It is the sun to my moon and the surf to my turf. I mean my kids and lady are great, too, but have you tried beer? They should write a romantic comedy about me and beer. It would be a smash hit. Any Hollywood producers want to get that green-lit for me?  Well, anyway, I was on Twitter this week, and this is The Weekly Buzz.

It’s sold out, but maybe there will be scalpers!

You’re killin’ me, Smalls!

You had me at “Nitro”… and “cookies”…

Does the job come with diplomatic immunity?

Bueller? Bueller? Bueller?

Here’s to many more!

What are you going to pull out of the cellar?

All of them. Definitely all of them.

Guess I’m gonna be driving to Downingtown…

I can’t wait to see the “After” photo.

Go taste a few rarities!

This bill could hurt craft brewers in Nebraska, but craft beer won’t let it!

What’s your plan?

You can even snuggle the bottle!

The best Valentines of the season!

Time to update those resumes!

…but don’t tell beer.

For the V-Day haters out there.

Happy Birthday!

I’m assuming it’s true because it was on Twitter.

Beer at a gas station in PA? I never thought I’d see the day!

I want this to be inside me.

These beer dinner planners really get me.

Will there be cosplay?

Now accepting applications!

Do you have what it takes?

Is 33 too old to go to camp?

Collaboration in progress!

Will they be doing a Power Hour?

This is both infuriating and hilarious. I’m in a glass case of emotion!

I bet this guy gets a lot of work done!

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