#Stone Brewing Company Archives – Page 2 of 2 – PorchDrinking.com
The Weekly Buzz | February 3 – 9, 2017
February 10, 2017 | Dan BortzThis was a pretty fun week for social media. Not only did the Super Bowl provide endless, hilarious supply of brewery-on-brewery trolling, but there was lots of other fun stuff, too. There were breweries checking in from beer festivals, new beers, distribution announcements, job listings, and more. Don’t worry. We caught all the shenanigans and distilled it down for easy consumption. This is The Weekly Buzz.
The Weekly Buzz | November 4 – November 10
November 11, 2016 | Dan BortzAfter the events of this week’s election, there is a lot of uncertainty. To some this is the beginning of the end, and to others it’s a new renaissance for the United States.
The Weekly Buzz | October 28 – November 3
November 4, 2016 | Dan BortzAs we enter into November, we are all feeling beaten down and emotionally drained from all of the election coverage. The arguing and stupidity is really starting to take its … Read More
What We’re Drinking | October 28, 2016
October 28, 2016 | Dan BortzWe’re now in the final throws of October. It’s getting dark earlier, and our beers are getting darker, too. All those dark, roasty malts will keep us warm in the cold months to come. Say goodbye to your lawnmower beer, and embrace the arrival of fall. Prepare to discover What We’re Drinking.
What We’re Drinking | October 7th
October 7, 2016 | Dan BortzOctober is upon us, and that means a lot of different things. Fall seasonals are hitting the beer market, and “leafers” are flocking to New England to gawk at autumn foliage. For many in the Southeast, it means evacuating their homes in anticipation of a hurricane. This week in particular will also see a tsunami of brewers and beer enthusiasts slamming into Denver for GABF. To me, it mostly means jealousy because I’m stuck at home. It’s time for us to live vicariously through the Porchdrinking.com staff and find out What We’re Drinking!
The Weekly Buzz | September 16th – September 22nd
September 23, 2016 | Dan BortzThis week was chock full of event announcements, new beer releases, and breweries giving back to the community. Hmm, am I forgetting anything? Only the grand opening of Stone’s location in Berlin, and a legendary collaboration brew that took place there! Ladies, gentlemen and children of all ages (but preferably over 21), this is The Weekly Buzz! Read More
The Weekly Buzz | August 26th – September 1st
September 2, 2016 | Dan BortzThere has been lots of news to comb through this week. Tax breaks were enacted, archaic beer laws were scrapped, and possible brewing industry job cuts loom on the horizon. You’ll find all that (plus other announcements and silliness) right here in this weeks’ edition of The Weekly Buzz!
Stone Brewing Co. | Stone IPA Virginia Brewery Prototype
August 16, 2016 | Jenn SpecketerDuring a trip to Richmond, VA, earlier this spring, I was lucky to receive a behind-the-scenes tour of Stone Brewing Co.’s new East Coast operation. Located in the Fulton neighborhood east of downtown Richmond, the 220,000-square-foot facility was very much in the building stages during my visit, with both hard hat and vest required for walking through the construction site. None the less, it was exciting to see an operation of this size being built from the ground up. Read More
Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup
March 2, 2015 | Chelsea Mitchell
It’s Monday which means the craft beer news is here. I know you don’t have time to sort through all of the beer-related articles, so I compiled the best ones for you. This week, we’re giving you the details about a few pro-golfers that have opened up a brewery, the scoop on New Belgium’s latest beer, and a farewell to the original Stone Pale Ale. Click read more and education yourself with this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.
Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup
February 2, 2015 | Chelsea MitchellThis week brings some super duper exciting news. Well, mainly one story in particular: Firestone Walker is coming out with cans just in time for sunny Spring days at the park! Other stories this week are more of the ‘feel-good’ nature: Stone Brewing donated a bunch of money to charity in 2014, there is yet again a new women’s beer mile record, and the CIDER Act is being reintroduced to Congress. Get the details of these headlines and more in this edition of the Weekly Growler Fill.
Stone Brewing Co. | Master of Disguise Imperial Golden Stout
January 22, 2015 | Josh Buchanan
9.7% ABV
National Release/ Limited Season
As is usually the case this time of year, dark weather brings out the dark beer in my libation rotation. Shying away from the conventional brewed coffee, the stout has become my go-to for comfortable drinking. Spending time in Ireland just recently, my liver has come to expect little else than the delicious homemade Guinness that really isn’t the same on this side of the Atlantic. Coming back after a fair share of Black & Tan’s and Baby Guinness Shots (the most delicious shot if Kahlua and Baileys are up your alley), I spent a fair amount of time during the Holidaze getting reacquainted with Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout, Sierra Nevada Stout and the annual Christmas Car Bomb (while abroad, order at your own risk, fyi).
Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup
July 21, 2014 | Chelsea Mitchell 1It’s a new week, there’s a new Growler Fill, and I’ve got some major headlines for you. Stone Brewing announced two new brewery locations, Cigar City is ready to set sail on the open ocean, and there is a guy who can pour a beer with his forehead. Keep reading to up your knowledge with the latest craft beer news.
Weekly Growler Fill | National Beer News Roundup
May 19, 2014 | Chelsea MitchellGet a new name, take home some good beer, and find out where to go for your next beer destination vacation. This Growler Fill will help you do this and so much more with this week’s beer news .
Stone Brewing Company | Spröcketbier Debut
May 7, 2014 | Chelsea MitchellTwo regular guys set out to brew a simple beer that ended up taking over the world. Well, that is, if you call two Stone Brewing Company veterans with a … Read More
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