#womeninbeer Archives – Page 3 of 5 – PorchDrinking.com
Kentucky Brewer Named Winner of Brewing The American Dream
May 17, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardWhen Kate Russell of Hopkinsville Brewing Co. got the call she was named the winner of Samuel Adams Brewing The American Dream Brewer Experienceship program, she thought she was being pranked. It was no prank, and Ashton Kutcher was not hiding behind Hopkinsville’s brewing tanks ready to tell Russell she was on an episode of “Punk’d”. Russell was, in fact, the winner of Samuel Adams’ 8th Brewer Experienceship program.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Maggie Skinner The Fermentorium
May 12, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 42 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard converses with Maggie Skinner, the director of sales and marketing at The Fermentorium in Cedarburg, Wisc.
First Beer After Baby | A Nine-Month Dilemma
May 10, 2021 | Danielle EngelIt was a warm spring day and as I listened to some Lake Street Dive it seemed like as good a time as any to take a pregnancy test. My husband and I had just started trying to have a baby, so I was keeping my expectations low. I stood there dreaming about my latest curbside pickup from Temescal Brewing, popping one open in my quarantine safe backyard and soaking in some sun. Three minutes later, there it was. A big beautiful positive. A positive pregnancy test brings with it a hurtling roller coaster of emotions, even when expecting and hoping for it like I was. The first wave was part holy shit part happy tears, and the second came with a twinge of sadness that I wouldn’t be crushing a can of craft for at least nine months.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Brittany Canterbury Beale’s Beer
May 5, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 41 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard converses with Brittany Canterbury of Beale’s Beer.
Canterbury is the general manager of Beale’s Beer in Bedford, Virginia.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Lee Lord Narragansett Beer
April 28, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 40 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard converses with Lee Lord, head brewer of Narragansett Beer in Providence, Rhode Island.
In March, Lord was named as the first female director of brewing operations of the Narragansett brewery that plans to open in spring 2021 at India Point Park waterfront in Providence.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Rhiannon Hoeweler MadTree Brewing
April 22, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 39 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard converses with Rhiannon Hoeweler, director of strategic impact at MadTree Brewing in Cincinnati, for a special Earth Day episode.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Pam Catoe Craft Beer Austin
April 16, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 38 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard converses with Pam Catoe, owner and chief contributor of Craft Beer Austin and Southwest regional editor for PorchDrinking.com.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Kim Collins Guardian Brewing
April 9, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 37 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard converses with Kim Collins, owner and head brewer at Guardian Brewing Company in Saugatuck, Michigan.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Kelly McKnight New Belgium Brewing
April 2, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 35 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard is joined with Kelly McKnight of New Belgium Brewing.
Kelly McKnight is a pilot brewer at New Belgium Brewing in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Ren Navarro ‘Beer.Diversity.’
March 30, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 34 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard is joined with Ren Navarro of Beer.Diversity.
Through Beer.Diversity., Navarro addresses the lack of diversity and inclusion in the beer, wine and distilling industry and how these industries can improve through talks and consultations.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Diamon Bell ‘Beer Is Not For Boys’
March 26, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 33 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard is joined by Diamon Bell of Beer Is Not For Boys.
Bell decided to start Beer Is Not For Boys to show that women love craft beer just as much as men, if not more.
Women in Beer | Pam Catoe of Craft Beer Austin & PorchDrinking
March 22, 2021 | Ruvani de SilvaWhen we think about women in beer, it’s important to remember that beer is an industry like any other, made up a wide range of roles and responsibilities. Increasing representation of women in beer and creating an equal working environment means encouraging and supporting women in all areas of the industry, including fields that aren’t specific to beer itself, because the very nature of genuine diversity involves ensuring it exists across the board. One area women are making huge strides, both in numbers and in prominence, is the arena of beer writing. Once just as male-dominated as the brewhouse, the field of beer journalism has opened up significantly in recent years, with women putting themselves forward, and supporting and enabling their peers through a network of mentorship, collaboration and education. One of the women leading this particular charge has been PorchDrinking’s own Southwest editor, Pam Catoe.
Women in Beer | Bri Burrows & The Big Rip
March 19, 2021 | Katie CamlinIn an industry where women are still fighting for space, Bri Burrows of The Big Rip Brewing Co. is a humble trailblazer. In just shy of five years, she catapulted herself from weekend bartender, to head brewer and co-owner — a combination that is a first for a woman in the Kansas City, Missouri, brewery scene.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Eugenia Brown ‘Black Beer Chick’
March 18, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 32 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard is joined with Eugenia Brown, founder of Beer Chick, LLC.
The Charlotte resident has turned her love of craft beer into helping other women of color who want to work in the beer industry through her Road to 100 initiative.
Women in Beer | Katherine Valleau of Exit Strategy Brewing
March 17, 2021 | Mathew PowersWhen Katherine and Chris Valleau say they built Exit Strategy Brewing Co. from scratch, they’re not kidding. “When we first walked into the building, the skylight was hanging down from the ceiling and there were birds flying around. Everything had been stripped. No plugs. No running water. Only four walls,” said Katherine. Nearly six years later, the couple has turned that once empty space into a popular, name-brand brewpub (food and beer), frequented by locals and often visited by traveling craft-beer aficionados.
Women in Beer | Martha Ann Amber Ale Hopkinsville Brewing Co.
March 16, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardHave you ever wanted to have a beer named after yourself? Well, all you need to do is found a city and then have a brewery open in that city 172 years later.
That’s what happened to Martha Ann Wood. Wood and her husband Bartholomew settled and founded the city of Hopkinsville, KY in 1796. There, Martha and her husband spent the rest of their lives with their 11 children.
In September of 2016, 172 later, another woman came and founded the city’s first and only craft brewery in Hopkinsville. Kate Russell founded Hopkinsville Brewing Co. and has since changed the minds of many small-town Kentuckians about what craft beer is.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Megan Stone & Jackie DiBella
March 15, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 31 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard is joined by Megan Stone, media coordinator at Societe Brewing Co., and Jackie DiBella, co-founder of the Craft Beer Marketing Awards.
Women in Beer | Apocalypse Brew Works
March 15, 2021 | Jereme ZimmermanApocalypse Brew Works in Louisville, Kentucky, has been preparing for the apocalypse since it first opened in 2012. The brewery’s name came about from a brainstorming session with co-founders Leah Dienes, Bill Krauth and Paul Grignon. All the good regional names had been taken and they were struggling for a name that would stand out. Seemingly out of nowhere, Krauth brought up “that end of the world thing.” “You mean, the apocalypse?” responded Dienes, who happened to have a label in her pocket she had designed for a humorous beer label competition at the Kentucky State Fair. She had made a zombie-themed label for a beer called Apocalypse Pale Ale. Realizing that it was prime fodder for coming up with all kinds of unique beer names, they decided they had a winner.
Women in Beer | Bailey Spaulding & Lisa Peterson of Jackalope Brewing
March 12, 2021 | Jesse ValencianaWhen they opened their doors, Jackalope Brewing Co. were the hip, new brand taking up space in a modest sized brewpub. Fast forward a decade and Jackalope Brewing have become respected pioneers and leaders of Nashville beer. They now operate out of a towering production facility in a rapidly growing city that seemingly sprouts one brewery for every new high-rise residential building.
Boys Are From Märzen Podcast | Gillian Larson Firestone Walker Ambassador
March 9, 2021 | Kindsey BernhardIn Episode 30 of the “Boys Are From Märzen” podcast, Kindsey Bernhard is joined by Gillian Larson, a thru rider and adventure ambassador for Firestone Walker Brewing.
Larson has logged 10,000 backcountry miles with her two horses, including traveling three times from Mexico to Canada.
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