#YardsBrewing Co Archives – Page 3 of 3 – PorchDrinking.com
The Weekly Buzz | March 24 – 30
March 31, 2017 | Dan BortzIt’s been another grueling week, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. That light, of course, is the glowing neon of your local watering hole. Just as your favorite bartender is ready to listen to your woes, The Weekly Buzz is hear to brighten your day. So, kick that weird guy off of your favorite stool, belly up to the bar, and enjoy this week’s latest craft beer buzz. Oh… and don’t forget to drink a delicious beer. That’s an important part of the process.
The Weekly Buzz | March 17 – 23
March 24, 2017 | Dan BortzHave you ever had to work on your day off? If so, did you ever stay even longer because a coworker couldn’t show up for his normal shift? I did … Read More
Beer Cocktail | Baby Stout Jello Shots with Yard’s Love Stout
March 21, 2017 | Samantha StoryJust because St. Patrick’s Day is over that doesn’t mean the Irish festivities need to stop! We certainly won’t and neither should you. For many, Guinness comes to mind as the beer of choice for St. Paddy’s Day, but with so many options at our fingertips, it’s hard not to branch out. In accordance with tradition, however, it seemed only logical to attempt to take an already alcoholic beverage and make it even boozier. Read More
The Weekly Buzz | March 10 – 16
March 17, 2017 | Dan BortzThere’s been lots going on in the world of craft beer this week! Some breweries had snow days and some are shutting down for a bit longer. There are also a few new beers and tons of shenanigans. Buckle up and get ready for a bumpy ride because this is The Weekly Buzz!
The Weekly Buzz | February 3 – 9, 2017
February 10, 2017 | Dan BortzThis was a pretty fun week for social media. Not only did the Super Bowl provide endless, hilarious supply of brewery-on-brewery trolling, but there was lots of other fun stuff, too. There were breweries checking in from beer festivals, new beers, distribution announcements, job listings, and more. Don’t worry. We caught all the shenanigans and distilled it down for easy consumption. This is The Weekly Buzz.
The Weekly Buzz | January 27 – February 2
February 3, 2017 | Dan BortzHow hard is it to assemble a top-notch recap of the week’s social media activity with three kids in the house? It’s very hard, but I NAILED it! This week we have a few events, some new beer, a few political statements and plenty of fun stuff, too. A buffet of beer news and shenanigans is laid out before you, and that can only mean one thing. This is The Weekly Buzz.
The Weekly Buzz | January 20 – 26
January 27, 2017 | Dan BortzThe NFL conference championships have been decided, and the Pro Bowl is this weekend. Does anyone watch the Pro Bowl? Anyone? Since none of you watch it, this will be a great weekend to head out and discover some new craft beers. When you find them, definitely mail them to me. I want all of them. The Weekly Buzz is ready to point you in all the right directions!
There’s a little pre-Super Bowl bonus content at the bottom, so make sure you read to the end!
The Weekly Buzz | January 13 – 19
January 20, 2017 | Dan BortzIf you want to fill your calendar with beer events, you have hit the mother lode! There were tons of announcements this week. I, on the other hand, work most weekends and will have to drink alone in my free time. That’s not sad, is it? I may be a sad sack, but you don’t have to be! This is The Weekly Buzz.
The Weekly Buzz | January 6 – 12
January 13, 2017 | Dan BortzThings are finally getting back to normal after the holidays. There are no more family gatherings to attend, and I’m no longer in denial about how fat I’ve gotten. Beer news on social media is quickly ramping back up as everyone returns to work. We’ve got events, new beers, returning old beers, job announcements, events, and shenanigans. It’s like I have a purpose again! Settle in and prepare to live vicariously through my Weekly Buzz.
The Weekly Buzz | December 30 – January 5
January 6, 2017 | Dan BortzThe first week of the year has been chock full of new beer and event announcements. Hopefully, this is a sign that 2017 will be a great year for craft beer. I’ve already started marking release dates on my calendar and making room in my refrigerator. Forget 2016. That was a garbage year. We’ve got to focus our positive energy on the next 359 days! Pull out your yoga mat, get into Downward-facing Dog, and get ready for The Weekly Buzz.
PorchDrinking Playlist | City of Brotherly Love
January 3, 2017 | Dan BortzPhiladelphia is the City of Brotherly Love. It’s a city of underdogs, fighters and (very) occasionally, champions. In the colonial days, it was home to Founding Father Benjamin Franklin, hosted … Read More
The Weekly Buzz | December 9 – 15
December 16, 2016 | Dan BortzAm I the only one who hasn’t started Christmas shopping yet? Usually, I’m done by now. I have a feeling that my Amazon Prime subscription is going to get a serious workout this year. If you’re in the same boat as me, you’ll need a break from the rigors of online shopping. Grab a fine craft beer, open a new tab in your web browser and dive into this week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz.
The Weekly Buzz | December 2 – 8
December 9, 2016 | Dan BortzIt’s dark when I go to work in the morning. It’s dark when I come home. Rather than sit next to a sun lamp, it’s much more fun to crack open a few craft brews. It’s my prescription for enduring the darkness. Also, on an unrelated note, I am not a medical professional. Pop the lid off the bottle, start taking your dose, and enjoy this week’s edition of The Weekly Buzz! Read More
The Weekly Buzz | November 25 – December 1
December 2, 2016 | Dan BortzThe delicious foods of Thanksgiving are behind us, and the darkness of Christmas shopping has enveloped us all. This week started out with three shopping holidays: Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. What should I get my dad for Christmas? Does he already have a belt sander? I’m going to turn on my shower, curl up in the fetal position and wait for this all to blow over. You? You can pass your time with the beer news and shenanigans inside this edition of The Weekly Buzz.
The Weekly Buzz | October 28 – November 3
November 4, 2016 | Dan BortzAs we enter into November, we are all feeling beaten down and emotionally drained from all of the election coverage. The arguing and stupidity is really starting to take its … Read More
The Weekly Buzz | October 21 – October 27
October 28, 2016 | Dan BortzBeer announcements blowing up like A-bombs this week. Some are returning seasonals, others are new twists on old friends, and some are all-new creations. Put those in the boil with event announcements and ferment over ample shenanigans. This is The Weekly Buzz, brewed just for you!
The Weekly Buzz | October 7 – 13
October 14, 2016 | Dan BortzBesides GABF, it was kind of a slow week on social media, but fear not, fair reader! I’ve managed to scrounge up a few humdingers for your enjoyment. If you like beer events, ghosts, or janitorial work, you have come to the right place. Turn up the polka music, pour yourself a beer, and dive into The Weekly Buzz!
The Weekly Buzz | August 26th – September 1st
September 2, 2016 | Dan BortzThere has been lots of news to comb through this week. Tax breaks were enacted, archaic beer laws were scrapped, and possible brewing industry job cuts loom on the horizon. You’ll find all that (plus other announcements and silliness) right here in this weeks’ edition of The Weekly Buzz!
Life, Liberty and 13 Beers for 13 Colonies
June 29, 2016 | Stacey GoersIt is a special thing to celebrate the Fourth of July in places up and down the East Coast, in cities that relish their historical relevance. It’s also a special thing to drink plenty of beer, develop a t-shirt tan and relish in the glory that is overcooked burgers and sour cream and onion chips, with ridges, of course. Read More
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